Brandon Looks Forward To Thanksgiving

6 2 12

5 Guys

Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Brandon: I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving! *eats his bacon cheese dog with ketchup and mustard*

Bob Kimball: That's great! *drinks his grape Fanta*

Brandon: I'm going to North Carolina! *drinks his chocolate Oreo cream shake*

Bob Kimball: Where in NC?

Brandon: Charlotte.

Bob Kimball: Are you flying?

Brandon: Yes, my flight will be leaving out of Bradley, next Tuesday morning. My parents already have the plane tickets.

Bob Kimball: Spectacular! Hope you have a safe trip!

Brandon: Thanks, I will! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! Eating some good food, till I get stuffed!

This story was written on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022.

A/N Brandon is sure looking forward to Thanksgiving! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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