Arika1403: So I says to the guy.....
spiritserpentt: Mm hmm! Isn't he the dude from Stop and Shop?
Arika1403: Yup, that was him! And you won't believe what he said to me!
Me: *listens in on their conversation*
Arika1403: Hey, want to talk somewhere more discreet?
spiritserpentt: Yeah, lets do that. Come on.
Ken: Hey, you know better than to eavesdrop!
Me: Sorry!
Arika1403: *opens the closet* We can finish chatting in here. *walks inside*
spiritserpentt: *walks inside and closes the closet door*
This story was written on Sunday, November 27th, 2022.
A/N What? I was just curious on what they were saying! Who was this dude from Stop and Shop? Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.
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