She Got What She Deserved!

4 1 14

Broad St

Middletown, Connecticut

Me: *walking*

Girl: Why are you such a loser?

Me: Pardon?

Girl: You heard me! You're such a loser, and your stories are terrible! No wonder, no one showed up to your stupid writing club!

Me: I beg to differ, jerk! *whacks the girl with a cartoon mallet*

Girl: *out cold with cartoon stars floating above her and her tongue sticking out*

Man: That's showing her! Keep on writing, chief!

Me: Thank you, I will! *keeps on walking towards Church St*

This story was written on Thursday, November 17th, 2022.

A/N That girl was wrong! I gave her what for! Mean people like her in the fictional realm always get what they deserve! 👍😁 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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