hello new life.

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we arrive at the train station, where there's assigned trains to take you to a specific section since they can't be mixed together.

i wonder why that is.

the driver parks the car and helps me with my luggage all the way up to my station.

he hands me my ticket and wishes me good luck. i thank him before i turn around and start heading towards my cabin.

i load up all my stuff and take a seat where i'm supposed to. now it all kind of feels exciting. making new friends, learning my abilities and possibly participating in the olympics. it all sounds unreal until you're sent to your section.

the train ride wasn't bad, just boring. but at least they had good food.

once we arrived, i grabbed my luggage. i struggled a little because it was crowded but a nice passenger helped me out.

i stepped out of the cabin and looked for some signs but i couldn't decipher where i'm supposed to go.

"hello, are you kim y/n?" a lady comes from behind me and asks.

"oh, yes?" i say stupidly.

why did i even question that?

i facepalm internally.

"please come with me. i am your assigned helper for your first month here" she says to me.

"oh okay, what's your name?" i ask her.

"sorry, i forgot to introduce myself. my name's jihyo" she chuckles.

"so, you'll be showing me where i'm gonna stay and what's around here?" i ask her as we walk out of the train station.

"yes, and i'll be around if you have any questions regarding on what you're supposed to be doing" she tells me.

"but don't worry, they're only strict when you first start out" she eases my tension.

"i'm only a little nervous" i admit.

"that's totally normal, i was too when i first got here" she reveals.

"how long ago was that?" i ask curiously.

"about 5 years ago, i think?" she answers trying to remember.

"oh wow"

"it'll be over before you know it" she smiles at me.

i smile back at her and continue to listen to the rules of the section. the rules are simple like don't smuggle anyone from another section or from the outside in and stuff like that.

"since it's getting dark, i'll be taking you to your dorm now and tomorrow i'll be here to pick you up at 8 am, sound good?"

"mhm" i agree.

we go inside this big building, she asks for my information and we head to the elevator. she presses the button for the seventh floor.

"looks like you're going to have a roommate!" she says excitedly looking at the paper they gave her.

she hands me the paper. i see the floor number, room number, and my roommate's name.

park eunsoo.

i hope she's nice.

at last, we arrived and jihyo leaves me in front of my door.

"here we are! if you're hungry, the cafeteria is downstairs and your training clothes are ready in your closet" she says before we bid goodbye to each other.

i am super hungry so i decide to just leave my stuff inside the room and head down to the cafeteria.

as i enter the room, my jaw drops.

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