what a surprise.

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"wait... you have a crush on jungkook!?" i ask her in shock.

"yeah, is that so shocking though?" she says sincerely.

we've gotten so close due to our deep conversations and the time we spent together over the course of a day.

from early sunday to this afternoon. today is monday and it's a holiday so we get to stay home. we pulled an all nighter last night, blasting music and putting up stuff around the dorm.

"honestly no, so many girls liked jungkook in school, it was crazy" i say as i take a sip of my coffee.

"unfortunately, i'm one of them" she sighs and also takes a sip of her coke.

"but what did he do to make your heart beat faster?" i ask her curiously.

"there was this one day, i stayed behind at school and he did too. i stayed behind because i needed to ask the teacher some questions about our lesson that day, turns out jungkook stayed behind for the same reason and we ended up having a conversation about the class as we waited for the teacher. it sounds so dumb but he was so sweet and the conversation felt so genuine that it just swept me off my feet" she says sounding disappointed in herself.

"aw don't worry, i realized my feelings for the guy i like AFTER i joined my section... what's worse is that he's been my best friend since we were born basically, can you believe that?" i say facepalming and laughing at myself.

"what, really?" she says joining in my laughter.

for some reason, it feels like we're drunk. we're probably just really happy that we clicked with each other. a euphoria rush of some sort.

"wait a second... your best friend, yoongi??" she asks just realizing who i meant.

"yeah..." i purse my lips.

"wow, i mean i saw it coming to be honest"


"yep, you guys were together like 24/7" she says jokingly.

"i can't believe we went to the same school, you like one of my friends, and you never decided to approach us!" i throw my hands in the air.

"i'm just not good with people" she pouts.

"well at least we met here"

"yess" she gives me a content smile. i smile back at her.

after our fun hangout, i decided to introduce her to the other guys downstairs.

i see them sat down at our usual spot so i drag her there.

once we stand behind them, everyone looks at us and some look shocked.

"jaehyun?" "eunsoo?" both jaehyun and eunsoo stare at each other in recognition.

"you know each other?"

"yeah, he's my friend from school"

"oh wow" i say now putting a face to her friend.

what a small world.

"we've also seen her around at school because of jaehyun but we never really talked to each other before" johnny lets us know. i nod my head acknowledging the fact.

"how's sunghoon?" jaehyun asks eunsoo.

eunsoo takes a seat beside jaehyun and i know she just wants to catch up with him as badly as i want to catch up with yoongi so i let her be and conversate with hoseok who's beside me.


and that's how we stayed as one group, from one connection to another it led us to become closer friends. eunsoo and i also got really close.

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