together now.

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the eight platforms are situated on half of the stadium, each team standing on one.

the teams are being greeted by the people around them. waving when they see their families cheering on for them.

in no time, lights went out and the spotlight was on the host at the center of the stadium.

"welcome everybody! i will be this year's olympics' host! my name is choi minho, coming to you from the fire section, right here, right now!" the host smiles and he greets everybody.

he proceeds to introduce each team and their members, showing their families on the big screens around the stadium.

"now... the moment's everyone has been waiting for! round one: save the victim!" minho says cheerly fully and the crowd gets excited.

"this one is a very exciting way to open the olympics and to see how well the teams start off. i will explain the rules even though most of you might already know them" minho explains.

"rules are simple. two teams will go against each other in two halves. one where a team defends and the other attacks and the second half is vice-versa. both will get a timer and at the end when each team is done, the points will be calculated depending on the time they got. and now i am going to announce the team pairs that will go against each other"

everyone quiets down to analyze the situation.

"first group will be team three against team seven. the second group will be team one against team four. the third group will be team five against team eight. and the fourth and final group will be team two against team six" minho reads his note cards carefully.

"in just a few minutes, while the participants get ready, i'd like to introduce our new commentators for this olympics. please welcome kim junmyeon, byun baekhyun, park chanyeol and do kyungsoo... everybody give them a round of applause" minho says he and the crowd claps for the four people that were high in the stands getting ready to review the first game.

"it looks like our players are ready! everybody please cheer on for them!" minho points at the setup with the participants ready to get into action.

y/n pov

our team is going to be the second to go. i'm so nervous.

namjoon's team is going against jungkook's team. i wonder who will get the shortest time. they seem like very strong opponents.

everyone gets in position and a whistle is blown to signify the start of the first game.

jungkook's team is on defense and chaewon shoots up from
her spot to stop anyone to get to the victim. everyone on jungkook's was fast but it seemed like namjoon's team had an strategy, making them reach the victim in a short amount of time.

when it was namjoon's team to be on defense, jungkook's team went fast. all working together, almost seeming to know exactly what they were going to do. they were able to fly by the defense and reached the victim quickly.

at the end of the round, the times for both of the teams were shown in the big screen and jungkook's team is on the lead with a two second difference from namjoon's team. i wonder if any of us can beat that, they seems to be the strongest right now.

this probably seems all too boring, right? i'll skip to the good parts.

in the first game, the team in first place became team team eight with team seven right behind them in second place.

the next game is power racing. it's basically a relay race but with obstacles that are meant for certain elements. it was a very tough one, i slightly twisted my ankle as i was the first to go in my team but luckily, it wasn't anything serious as i was able to continue playing just fine.

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