let's support each other.

19 3 15

third person pov

the base camp training took place two years ago. a year after it, a war happened between the elemental sections nation and the overseas nation. fortunately, the elemental sections nation won and signed a treaty with the other nation for peace to persevere.

since the incident between the two nations occurred right before the olympics were supposed to be held, it got postponed for it to be held in the following year. this gave the chance for those who just came of age to try for the olympics.

only eight teams participate in the olympics. each team consisting of four members, one from each section. the strongest and most hardworking participants get chosen and get placed in a team randomly.

the olympics are to be held in december. this gave time for those of age to be able to get themselves ready and try for the olympics.

the tryouts are held four months before the olympics commence.


it is now two months before the start of the olympics and letters are being sent out to those who passed the tryouts.

in the earth section...

namjoon, taehyung, jungkook and jiyun sat in the living room at namjoon's place.

word was out that letters were sent out that day so jiyun wasted no time in telling her brother's friends and got herself invited to wait with them. they all wait anxiously since they had all tried out for the olympics not too long ago. this was their first olympics after all.

a knock on the front door was heard. they all stood up at the same time and namjoon walked straight to the door with the rest following behind him.

"letter for namjoon?" the guy says reading the name in the envelope.

"yes, that's me" namjoon receives his envelope and looks back up to the guy.

"do you have letters for... a taehyung, jungkook and jiyun?" he looks back at the others who stared with their big eyes.

"oh one second" the guy says as he rummages through his bag and pulls out a few envelopes. he starts looking through them for the names.

the guys behind namjoon were biting their nails.

"taehyung... jungkook... and jiyun! yes i do. i'm guessing they're the ones" he points at the guys behind the door. they all give a smile to the guy and thanked him.

namjoon closes the door behind him as he hands the rest their envelopes. some hands are shaking and some are sweating in nervousness.

"on the count of three... one, two, three!" taehyung shouts.

everyone rips open their envelopes, taking out the sheet of paper and scanning it as fast as possible.

jiyun screams first and jumps around the place. taehyung and jungkook following after. namjoon laughs in relief.

"we made it! we made it!" jiyun shouts as she jumps in a circle with taehyung and jungkook.

"we should celebrate, i'll treat you guys" namjoon smiles and everyone grabs their stuff as they head out the apartment.

later that day.

"jay! did you get your letter?" jiyun asks him excitedly as she makes her way through his dorm.

"no..." he frowns.

"oh..." jiyun calms down and feels bad.

"well you can always try for the next-"

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