good luck.

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yoongi pov

it's after lunch and we're all headed to the training grounds now. y/n walks beside me since it looks like eunsoo is walking with jaehyun. i don't mind being the second option because i still get to be with y/n regardless.

i walk with my hands in my pockets as y/n talks to me about what she thinks we're going to do next.

at the training grounds, chanyeol speaks up.

"baekhyun and i have prepared four games for you all. and whoever wins the most games will be having dessert afterwards" he tells us with a smile.

some cheer and some groan.

"wouldn't it be a little unfair for the trainees who haven't been in the sections for long?" johnny raised his hand as he asked his question.

"well, they've proven to be really strong, stronger than last year's trainees" chanyeol states.

"they're just games, nothing to be taken of seriously. if it comes to it, the loser team might get to have some dessert, just not as delicious as the winner team's" baekhyun shrugs.

"what's the first game?" jeonghan, i think, asks.

"tug of war" baekhyun rubs his hands maliciously. he obviously came up with this one.

"i feel like that should be easy for us, right?" y/n asks me as she stands closer to me.

"it should be, but those brats could be stronger than we think" i grumble looking at the trainees laughing amongst each other.

"y/n! yoongi!" jin comes running up to us with jimin and hoseok trailing behind him.

they stop in front of us as they catch a breath.

"were you guys running?" y/n asks.

"nevermind that! those gremlins were talking about how they were planning to cheat us on the games!" hoseok exclaims and points at them.

"that's honestly not surprising" y/n says sounding like she's used to it.

"i agree" i say.

"we have to come up with a plan too!" jimin retorts.

as per jimin's request, we bring everyone together and discuss our tactics.

"the game will start in a minute! get in your positions!" baekhyun shouts.

they positioned jiyun as the very front, which was where i was too. and their other girl was put at the end. the game started shortly after and the trainee group won. it seems like their high spirits are helping them.

"the second game is duck, duck, goose!" baekhyun shouts excitedly.

"did only baekhyun come up with the games!?" someone shouts.

"that would be correct my friend" chanyeol chuckles as he replies to the person.

so now we're all sat in a big circle, trainees sat beside leaders so that it would be trainee, leader, trainee, leader and so on.

the leaders won this round. with jungkook, jimin and jaehyun being able to run as fast as lightning. this meant we would get to play all four games to see who wins three out of the four. or three out of the five of it comes to it.

"the next game is called blind running!" baekhyun announces.

"what game is that?" mingyu asks.

"i made it up so i have to tell you all the rules!" baekhyun smiles.

most of us sigh.

"half of the leaders and half of the trainees will be blindfolded, and the rest of the leaders and trainees will have to stand in a circle mixed up. this way, it will be hard for the leaders and trainees to find their own. one blindfolded person from each group will head to the big circle to find one of their own and after them, the next blindfolded person goes. to find one of your own, the blindfolded person can only ask the person in the circle to say 'hi'. you will be able to touch the person if they allow you to, but please don't be inappropriate" baekhyun explains to us. most of us getting the gist of us and some asking questions.

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