Chapter 16💔

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Imani actually liked the outfits that were made for her to wear. When she found out who made it she was mad but she couldn't help but to like the outfits.

Hours into the party August noticed she was a little to close with her mystery friend. He knew his voice as the boy when she cheats on him with. He decides not to cause a scene when the boy showed up.

The mystery boy knew August didn't like him and he had every right not to which was understandable. He kinda figured August knew about him some what but probably wasn't too sure.

More hours go by and the party was over by then. It was only Imani, August, Luna, Jasmine, Jasmine's man, and the mystery boy.

"Imani do you mind if I put your reaction on my channel?" Luna asks.

"Oh no I don't mind. Thank you this is really pretty."

"August helped me design it to be special made for you. He literally worked for hours making sure everything was to your liking."

"That's what you've been doing when you haven't came home?" She said playing the part but the only one who didn't know that was her mystery man.

"Well I mean yeah, but I haven't came home like that cuz you said you wouldn't be there so I go to my dads." Lying so that Luna or him wouldn't get into issues.

The man looks at her confused but then fixes his face and looks back at everyone.

"Oh yeah. I be getting home late." Trying to fix the lie.

Jasmine and Luna look at each other and laugh.

"What's funny?" Imani asks.

"Nun sis. We can't laugh now?" Luna says.

"Mhmm. Anyways are we done? Can we leave now?"

"Well I have another thing planned for us and only us." August says.

"Oh really? Can we talk in private."

"Uh yeah babe."

She pulls him into a room and they talk.

"August what you did today was really sweet but I planned to go clubbing after all of this with my friends."

"Oh, but you knew I was planning something." He said sounding upset.

"Yeah. I'm really sorry babes. I don't know if imma be home for the next two days either. I don't know if you wanna be home alone or if you wanna go to your dads."

"I'll probably stay here and clean. Go have fun I guess. Your presents with be at home when you get back."

"I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you later baby."

"It's okay. Go have fun."

"Thank you baby. I'll see you later okay."

"Okay I love you."

"You too."

That made him even more upset. He walks to the room he had them decorate and he takes everything down. They watch Imani and the man leave the premises and they look for August.

August had put her presents to the side and had some things stacked up for when the cleaning people came in less than thirty. He low key had tears coming down his face because he felt embarrassed. Embarrassed that he allowed the man that Imani wants to truly be with to the party. He even let her leave with him without her spending time with her long time boyfriend.

"August are you okay." Jasmine asks.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine."

"Do you want help?"

"No I'm fine. The cleaning people will be here in a min. Can we get alcohol?"

"Maybe that's not a good idea August. You don't drink anymore." Luna says.

"So it's a great day to have fun. Bryson can you come with me?"

"Yeah. Ladies we'll be back." Bryson says.

Both boys basically run to the car.

"Lord please. Jasmine he doesn't need to drink like at all."

"That's why we're here. Plus you know I don't nor can I drink so if anything happens y'all got me."

"He has reasons why he can't drink. I just feel he doesn't need to take his frustrations out with alcohol."

"You're not wrong but I promise everything will be fine. Plus we're not gonna allow him to get too drunk."

"You're right."

The people came and cleaned and that's when the drinking started after they left.

A hour in and August was already out of it. Follow in pursuit was Luna. Bryson had only three shots so he was well aware and Jasmine was clearly sober.

Jasmine put on a movie for them to watch. Them drunk was like watching two teenagers get into bad shit. They couldn't control everything that was coming out of their mouths. They were giggling and laughing their asses off while the movie was playing.

August finally sat on the couch and started crying. It was like his mood changed fast.

"August baby what's wrong?" Jasmine asks.

"I don't understand why Imani doesn't love me anymore. What did I do?"

Before Jasmine could say anything Luna walks over to him and sits down and lays her head on him.

"You did nothing. You're literally a guy any girl could wish for. If I was Imani I'd cherish you."

"Luna be quiet." Jasmine warns her.

"No, I need to expressing to him how I feel."

"No, you don't Bestie now be quiet. Watch the movie."

"Let her finish that was rude Jass." August says.

"Exactly as I was saying before I got rudely interrupted by a Meany. I wish you were with me Auggy. I love you to the moon and back."

"Babe why are you recording this?" Bryson whispers as he walks back in with food.

"Cuz imma show her how she was acting in the morning. This is why she don't drink she talks too much."

"Really? I love you too Muna." August says.

"More than friends?"

"Yeah. You appreciate me more than anybody. Imani doesn't even acknowledge my passion just my money. Plus she's cheating on me with mystery man."

"You deserve better Auggy." She says as she wipes his tears.

"I know."

She kisses his cheek and lays her head on his shoulder again.

"You make me feel better Muna."

"Really?" She says sitting up to look at his face again."

"Yeah, you bring me happiness."

"That's great. Let's sit on the floor and stop crying you're with me now."

"You're right."

They saw more alcohol and chugged more. Jasmine didn't know what to say or do anymore. They didn't listen and they got aggressive towards her all she decided to do was keep recording them on Luna's camera while her and Bryson continued to watch movies.

One thing led to another Luna was on August and they were kissing each other.

"Luna and August stop." Jasmine basically yells and stands up.

Jasmine wouldn't mind them kissing sober but they were drunk and anything could've happened.

"Babe help me please. They need to go to bed. Jasmine says to Bryson.

They pull apart and smile at each other.

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