Chapter 24💔

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"Imani what the fuck are you doing in my house?"

"You don't understand how much I love you, Leaon."

"If you loved me, you would've left August. You wouldn't have acted the way you were with him."

"I'd do anything to just get you back baby I swear."

"Hmm let's see. Last week you trashed August's studio and he still let you slide. All you're doing is making a fucking fool out of yourself. Now you're here after you just begged him to be with you again."

"He owes me."

"He owes you nothing. You're a fucking gold digger. Now would you please leave my daughter is asleep and ion need you waking her up."

"I'm not fucking leaving. I'm not leaving until I get you back baby."

"I don't want you anymore. I've moved on."

"You moved on?" Imani laughs.

"Yeah, I did."

"I knew you'd go back to that bitch. I fucking knew it!" Imani screams.

With Imani screaming she woke up the five-year-old out of her sleep. She walks towards the living room and watches the encounter.

"If you didn't do what you did, we would've been together, and you know it. Plus, you know we ended the relationship on good terms. She never disrespected you she actually liked you being around Malaya."

that pissed Imani off, and she starts destroying the living room.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"You and August piss me the fuck off especially you Leaon. I loved you to death and you move on. that fucking fast. it's only been 2 fucking months and you go back to your baby mother."

"We are working things out for Malaya. Somehow our feelings rekindled a couple weeks ago."

Imani starts crying.

"I hate you. you never fucking loved me." Imani says.

She starts putting her hands on him.

"Imani bro chill the fuck out. You're gonna wake my daughter up."

"You think I give a fuck. I fucking hate you bro."

Imani goes back to throwing things around the room. somehow one of the items she threw hits Malaya his daughter and cuts her.

"Daddy." Malaya cries out.

Leaon rushes to her and checks her body. She had a big cut on her face. Leaon hands Malaya his phone after dialing 911. She understood and walked off crying. He gets up and gets in Imani's face.

"Get the fuck out now before I put my hands on you."

" Oh really?"

"Ion hit women but you. Id actually fucking hurt you and I'm not playing. Get the fuck out Imani now."

"I'm not fucking leaving." Imani says throwing something at him.

Leaon tries to keep his composure since the police will be arriving soon.

"You know this is violating the restraining order, right?"

"You think I care about that. We've been together for almost two years, and you replace me with your baby mama. You gave up on us. You helped me in that situation now you decide to leave me on my own. you fucking helped me. You helped me force him into the basement multiple times, you knew about him and still stayed Leaon. You could've been left but you fucking stayed and now all of a sudden you want to be done with me after it gets put out to the world."

"Imani you could've cost me my job. I have to support Malaya and myself. I had to beg to let me stay. If it wasn't for august, I wouldn't have this apartment still."

"Oh, he helps you but he rather see me homeless and be with that fat bitch than to be with me huh."

"Either way it goes. If I wanted to be with you Imani. You're stuck on what the fuck august has done for you. I told you this. I was done being the fucking second. The second to him and you never appreciated him. he found someone who will. You had me but you lost me. I didn't know you were abusing him and forcing him to do shit he didn't want to do. I saw every message, heard all the voice memos, hell I saw the full recording of our conversation from your party. we are not shit. you ma'am did this upon you're self. I'm glad I left you truthfully. It showed me what type of person you really were."

After he said that there was a knock at the door. Leaon opens the door, and the police walks in to see the mess.

"What is going on here?"

"This woman here broke into my home and trashed my place. She put her hands on me and she also hurt my daughter."

"Imani Reese? this is the fourth time we arrested you this month. The judge told you this will be the last time you get off with a pass. Are you allowed to be near this man?"

"No but I-"

"You broke the violations of the restraining order. You're under arrest."

They handcuff her and take her into the hallway.

"Where is your daughter we need to take a look at yall."

"Malaya? come here Babygirl."

Malaya comes from behind the wall and walks over.

"So, you're the brave little girl who called us."

"She was hurting my daddy."

"I'm glad you called. Shes gonna make sure you are okay."

Malaya nods her head and sits in from of the lady.

"Are you okay? Do you need assistance?"

"No sir. I just want to make sure my daughter is okay."

"Okay. She should be fine."

They look at Malaya and after the paramedics checks on her. Malaya runs to her dad for him to pick her up.

"Everything seems to be fine. With ointment the cut will be okay. It's not deep so it'll go away fast. I noticed old bruises on her as well should we be concerned?"

"No, you shouldn't. When I picked her up from school the teacher told me it happened whenever she fell during recess."

"Hmmm. Okay well I advise someone to come check on them officer." The lady says not believing him.

"The fuck? I don't abuse my daughter."

"Just to be safe call her mother."

"Yall are acting like I abuse my daughter."

"Well just to be sure please have her go with her mother for tonight. The doctor doesn't feel it is safe so we cannot leave."

"Yall are fucking stupid." Leaon says before calling his baby mama Nyla.


"Can you please come and get Malaya."

"What's wrong?"

"They feel like I can't take care of her until cps comes and looks at my apartment."

"The fuck happened?"

"I was gonna call you after they left but Imani came, and she accidently hurt Malaya in the process of trashing my living room. The bruises the school called you and told me about they feel like I fucking did it."

"Oh, my fucking. Here I come. Is Malaya, okay?"

"Shes fine. it was a minor cut on her face."

"They got me getting out my fucking bed to come and get her when she's safe with you. I'm coming."

"Okay bye."


"Thank you." The officer says.

"Bruh leave me alone."


The cps people did examine and didn't find anything. The school even confirmed it had happed during recess. Leaon was hurt because he could've lost his daughter due to Imani coming over.

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