Chapter 20💔

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"Dad please. I know she's done me wrong, but you love her."

"Love doesn't matter when you don't protect your kids. I don't know what happened to the woman I fell in love with. You could've harmed yourself behind this."

"But I didn't and I'm fine."

"I'm glad you're okay. You could've been killed; you could've harmed or worse killed yourself. I am not okay."

"I understand but dad it happened and I'm over it now. Please don't leave mom over this."

"August. I just can't. I can't ever look at your mother the same after this. I just can't."


"Did you actually rape my son?"

"You know I didn't." Carter says sounding nervous.

"My husband is going to leave me if you don't tell me the truth. Did you rape my son?"

"I- it was consensual."

"A 40-year-old man and a 15-year-old? That is rape. Then you molested him two years before. I believe a rapist over my son."

"I swear it wasn't rape."

"What day did you do it?"

"That day I came over, but you dropped off food to Anthony and went to the mall. He went to sleep and after that we had sex."

"It wasn't fucking sex Carter! You're fucking disgusting. I'm so mad that I hurt my son mentally behind you for years. I am no better than you. How many other children did you do this to?"

"Besides August three."

"Who's kids?" Carinae asks.

"Christopher's son and Carolina's two sons."

"So, you mean to tell me you still doing it to one? Our siblings' kids, kids in general. You're sick and nasty."

"I'm sorry please carinae forgive me. I don't know what came over me to give into their temptations."

"Don't contact me ever again. I gotta save my marriage now because I messed up thinking my brother was innocent. I will never forgive you, you sick bastard."

Carinae walks out to her car with her security and FaceTime's her younger siblings.

"Hi sister." Carolina says.

"What's good?" Chris says.

"I just found out carter raping August was true. Also, he's done it to y'all's children as well. Chris your only son and carol your two boys."

"You're lying why would? Toni come here baby." Carol says.

"Yes mommy?"

"Has uncle Cart ever touched you?"

"Like what mommy?"

"Your no-no area?"

"We have a game."

"Carol, I recorded him admitted to touching our kids." Carinae says.

Carol starts crying.

"What kind of game baby?"

"He said it's a secret mommy."

"I understand baby but what game?"

"We play doctors and sometimes house. A couple times I didn't have fun it hurt but other times it was fun. He said it's so I can grow big and be like you and daddy."

"I'm fucking sick. Thank you for telling mommy. When was the last time when y'all played it hurt?"

"Hmm last night. After everyone went night he came in my room, and we played."

"Go get dressed so we can go get ice cream."

"Okay mommy."

Once he was gone, she goes back to her conversation.

"Thank you, Cari. We're going to get Justice. I'm taking him to the hospital now to get a kit done on him. Chris get Jaylon to speak on it. I understand he's 17 and might not talk but this is not okay."

"Oh, I am as soon as he walks through my door. Carter better be careful cuz imma whoop his ass. Carinae send me the video imma call ma. Give her a heads up. Have everyone watch their children."

"Okay imma do it now. Now I gotta save my marriage because I didn't believe august when he was 15."

"Really Carinae? Always believe yo fucking children. It doesn't matter who it is believe yo kids. Now it has been done to all our children. Raymond and august are a year apart. I wonder did he do them both around the same age." Chris says.

"I don't know and I'm so sorry."

"Fix your relationship with August, he needs you." Carol says.

"I will and keep me updated on the kit please."

"Will do. I'm finna call Will now to meet us at the hospital. I need him to leave work early today."

"Okay bye."


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