Chapter 21💔

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"Baby please. I'm sorry. I should've believed our son and I was wrong. I just didn't want to believe my brother would do something like that. It's my fault for not taking action because he's done it Christopher and Carolina's son's too." Carinae cries out.

"I don't give a fuck who it was Carinae. You failed as a fucking mother. You should've fucking told me even if you didn't wanna believe. Molestation and rape is nothing to be played about." Anthony says.

"I know baby and I'm sorry. I didn't realize boys can be raped too."

"You sound dumb Carinae. Men can be raped by men and women. You're sad."

"Baby please. I love you and August. I can't lose y'all."

"You probably didn't lose August but me you lost me. I can't lay with a woman who'd put a pedo over her child."

"Baby please. I'm begging you please don't leave me I love you."

"You should've loved our son when he needed you. I can't love you the same."

"P-please." Carinae says and falls to his feet in front of him.

"You'll get the papers tomorrow. I won't fight you in court take as much money from me as you want. I'll get everything else of mine out by the end of this week. The house is paid off. Keep it."

"I don't want the money. I want you." She says hugging on to him.

"You cared about the money with Imani. You was shopping all the fucking time with her."

"Shopping means nothing to me. I was tryna fit in with our sons girlfriend. You know this. My love for you is stronger than money. If I cared about money I wouldn't have stayed and you know it."

"Answer me this." He says as he sat on the bed with tears coming down his face.

"How do you think August felt? Why should I show you any mercy when our son didn't get any from you carinae. I love you I really do. You were there for me through everything but why, why couldn't you for our son?"

"If I could go back in time I would. I would've done something. I wish I could change everything I've done to our son Anthony. I took it out on our son because I believed my brother. I believed the lies he told me. I never realized it was this bad baby I swear. August told me it happened then switched up and went back to the accusations that he did it. I didn't know what to believe to the point I thought he was lying. I should've told you and I'm so sorry. You're his father and I failed as a mother. You deserved to know even if it could've been a lie."

"Y-you should've fucking told me. I should've seen the signs when I came home."

"It wasn't your fault because you had a family to feed. You didn't really know August to a certain extent but he still always looked up to you."

"I still should've been there more for my son. This wouldn't have happened if I was just there."

"It doesn't matter if you were there or not. Sick and nasty people will always find a way. I just should've seen the signs from my brother."

"I just. I really just need time away from you. Let me think. Fix your relationship with August and then contact me. If you can't correct yourself I'm done and I mean that on everything carinae. I really don't wanna lose you because I love you, but over him I'd drop everything including you." he stands and grabs his suitcase before he walks out.

Carinae lays in their bed and sobs.

Hours later.

"August, Mrs. Alsina is here." Luna says then leaves the room.

"Mom? You've been cryin?" August questions.

"I wanna apologize to you. I've been so rude to you and I should've just listened. I should've realized that you were genuinely hurting but I just believed the lies that my brother would never do such a thing. I should've put you first and I'm so sorry." Carinae says.

"It's okay. I understand and I'm not mad."

"You should be. I mentally abused you for years. If I would've just stopped him years ago he wouldn't have gone to other children and it's my fault."

"He touched other people?"

"Yes. The rest of our siblings' boys. I hope they're okay. Your aunt is pressing charges because he just raped her youngest son, and we might need your testimony. I don't know yet she hasn't updated me yet but when she does do you want to?"

"Uhh I can. I feel so bad for him. That's younger than my age when it happened."

"When we were on the phone you could really tell he didn't understand. I'm so sorry baby I really am. I failed you as a mother."

"It's okay. I'm fine, right? I'm not gonna hold a grudge against you."

"I just I wanna make it up to you. I know nothing in the world can change for my actions."

"Mom, it happened. You didn't understand. I am fine I promise. I'm just happy you know now. This is all I wanted. It'll take some time for me to become close with you again, but I promise you I'm not upset with you."

"Okay I am sorry again baby. I have to tell your dad. He might leave me."

"He won't I promise you."

"He said he wasn't going to at the end, but I know your father. He will never forgive me even if he stays."

"Ma, I promise you. Dad will forgive you sooner or later he's just upset right now. He was left in the dark for the longest. He loves you, but you gotta change your ways."

"I know and I will I promise. I want to make this right."

"I will call dad okay. Go check on Uncle Chris and Aunt Carol please they need you."

"Okay I will. I love you. Please don't hesitate to call me."

"I won't ma. Love you too. Be safe."

"Okay." Carinae says and walks out.

Luna walks back into the room and sits next to August.

"I really appreciate you so much."

"I appreciate you too August."

Luna gets up and stands in between his legs.

"What's wrong?" August asks.

Luna ignores him and kisses him.

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