Chapter 1 - Y/N's messed up day - Male POV

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(Still really bad at writing stories (˙▿˙) so bear with me)

Y/N was an average guy, college graduate and nice partner. He was happy with his life. What could be better than that?

He was happy until one day, he went to work and all it took were a few words from his boss to bring it all crashing down.

"Y/N, we have to let you go." His boss told him with pity in his eyes. Y/N felt the pain and betrayal like nothing else. He couldn't even look him in the eye as he told him how much he wished for things to be different, but this is how things have been.

"Thank you sir, I understand. I'm sorry." Y/N stood there staring off to the side not looking anyone in the eye, his whole world had been turned on its head. He never thought something like this would happen to him.

Y/N walked out the building feeling numb and broken. He drove back home, not knowing where else to go or what to do. The streets blurred by slowly like they did last time. He felt tears stream down his face as he stared out the window seeing nothing but a blur of gray. It wasn't long before Y/N pulled up into his driveway. He sat there for awhile thinking about how everything has changed.

Soon enough, there was a gentle knock on the passenger side window. It took him out of his trance and Y/N quickly looked over to see his girlfriend waiting patiently on the other side. The sight warmed his heart, he opened the door and got out. His girlfriend, Jujie, smiled when Y/N got close. She then wrapped her arms around him, holding onto him tightly.

"I heard what happened, I'm so sorry, love." She whispered gently pressing kisses to her forehead and cheek.

It didn't take Y/N long to start crying, he buried his face in his chest and gripped onto the fabric of her shirt. The two sat in silence, just enjoying the presence of each other. After what felt like forever, Y/N finally pulled away slightly and wiped his tear streaked cheeks.

"Listen, Y/N. I actually got a job offering the mail today. I applied for this new job at a hotel in the city, but it seems like you need it more than I do. Plus, we get free accommodation and a pretty decent amount of money, so please don't tell me no!" Her voice was full of determination and hope. If anything, Y/N would never tell Jujie that it sounded too good to be true.

"You know what.. sure!" Y/N whispered. Jujie's smile widened even further at hearing that. She hugged him tighter again and planted a kiss right next to his ear.

"I can't wait to show you! You'll love it, trust me. Come on, you gotta put your stuff away and come inside. I made hot chocolate and everything!" With that, Jujie walked into the house with Y/N following behind closely.

They talked and laughed for the rest of the evening, only pausing occasionally to watch a movie together or eat some snacks. Eventually, it became late, and Y/N decided that it was time to go to bed.
"Well.. Goodnight Jujie, I had fun tonight. I think I should be able to sleep easy now." Y/N tried to smile through his tears, but failed miserably.

"Goodnight, love. I'll see you in the morning. I love you." Jujie gave Y/N a quick peck and then headed off in her own direction.
Once she disappeared from sight, Y/N laid in his bed thinking about his life and where things are supposed to go.

Before Y/N knew it, he was in a deep sleep, filled with dreams that weren't his to remember. The next morning came far too soon and the moment it did, Y/N woke up, still a little sore and tired from staying up so late the night prior. When he got ready, he checked himself in the mirror, wondering if anything was missing. He brushed her teeth and washed his face, making sure that nothing had gone wrong while asleep. Then he headed downstairs and found Jujie sitting at the kitchen table reading a book. As soon as he set foot in the room, she looked up smiling brightly at him. "Morning, prince! How was your night?" She asked as she joined her.

"You have that job interview today, remember?"

"What?" Y/N replied groggily.

"Oh, I didn't tell you? Anyway, we need to be there at around 11:30. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine with it."

A few hours later, the two were standing outside the door of the hotel Jujie was talking about.

-Jack's POV-

"I knew I had a problem with my coffee... How can someone drink such horrible black coffee?" Jack muttered as she poured herself yet another cup of coffee. The dark brown liquid swirled around the rim as it slid off the top of her mug. The smell was strong and bitter. Jack grimaced as she tasted the bitter, foul tasting substance. She placed his mug down and leaned back in her chair while letting out a sigh.

"Jack, you gotta stop drinking so much. Just one more sip... That's it. One more sip... One more..." Jack's hands trembled slightly as she reached toward her mug. Slowly, she raised the cup to his lips and chugged it down like it was her very last drop of water.

Jack closed her eyes and sighed deeply as the taste faded, giving way to a pleasant feeling that lingered after. "That's disgusting, Jack!" Said a fimiliar voice. Jack opened her eyes slowly and saw the annoyance himself, Shadow. "Plus, work is about to start soon, and if you're not there to greet the clients then it won't help the business, will it?" Shadow said with a scowl etched on his face.
Jack simply groaned in response. She knew Shadow was right, and she hated that.

Soon enough, Jack got dressed and trudged towards the hotel reception. She clocked in and stood next to Glitch.

"Long night?" Glitch inquired.

"You have no idea.." Jack replied.

Jack looked up and saw what seemed to be a couple standing outside of the hotel doors. The hotel was in a relatively rural area and wasn't busy at all, so Jack was wondering why they were here, in the middle of nowhere.

Screech opened the door for them.

"Hey! I'm Screech! Nice to meet you! Why are you here?!" He jumped up and down excitedly as he waited for them to answer.

Seek ran over to Screech and pulled him away. "Apologies. You're here for the interview, right?"

"Yep, that's me!" Y/N giggled shyly.

Seek gestured for Y/N and Glitch to follow him.

"And you ma'am, you can stay here." Seek said to Jujie.

-Y/N's POV-

The trio walked through a series of hallways before getting to an office, entering, and sitting down. "Glitch, you can interview him." Added Seek.

After that, Seek left the room.

"Listen, I'm just going to ask an obvious question first. You comfortable working with those monsters?" Glitch tilted his head.

"Uh, well... I mean I guess so? But, I don't know. They aren't bad people, right?"

"No comment. So, let's begin.."

Glitch asked questions for almost thirty minutes, trying to determine if Y/N was suitable or not. Once he was satisfied with Y/N's answers, he asked for some background information about him.

"Alright.. guess you're hired!" A huge grin formed on his face as he finished writing down his details. Glitch smiled as well at his reaction and handed him the paper with his resume.

"Now, just sign this paper. It'll confirm that you want to become part of our staff. We also want to hire you because the pay is quite generous considering the circumstances. Now, sign here and here," he continued handing him several different papers.
Y/N took all of them and signed without hesitation. "Great! Well, thank you so much for accepting us, Y/N!" Said Glitch happily.

"You can start tomorrow. Seek will take you and your partner to your room."

1391 words

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