Chap. 2."𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐲"

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(Note: This is a direct continuation from CHAP 1, which is why the titles are simular. Also, thank you so much for the support <3)


"Who are you?" threatened Roy. Bob stared at them, then roared with laughter. Roy tried to make himself intimidating by straightening his posture, and putting his shoulders back. Ross and Robert only looked up at Bob in worry.

"Did you know, many cultures consume blood for food, and that includes HUMANS!" laughed Bob.

Roy's intimidated act completely dropped, as his shoulders hastily slumped over, and his posture weakened. He tried to hide behind his friends.

Bob glared at them, smiling. He raised his knife higher in the air, making the Hatz gang think he was going to stab them. In defense, the Hatz gang threw the candy (NAME) gave them at Bob.

Bob slowey looked down without his smile flinching. He stared at the candy, looked back at the Hatz gang, then back at the candy. He bend down, and picked up all the candy he could. Roy, Ross, and Robert trembled as they huddled together.

Once Bob picked up all the sweet candy, he started to eat the pieces by handfuls at a time. He looked back at the Hatz gang, with the same, large smile. However, it wasn't a smile of friendliness and gratitude. It was a sadistic smile, as if he was warning the Hatz gang.

Bob turned around, and started walking in the same direction (NAME) was walking, eating the candy.

Roy, Ross, and Robert were dumbfounded as they watched him walk away. "Whaaa?" Roy croaked. "Don't worry about it, he was just a weirdo." blurted Ross.

"Eugh, why did we give him our candy!?" Wailed Roy. He kicked a near rock onto the street out of anger. "Don't worry about it, dude. We'll get more on Halloween." Grumbled Robert. "Let's just hope we don't see him again on Halloween." Commented Ross.

The gang hopelessly watched Bob walk away as he slowly became surrounded by the shadows, disappearing into the night.

October 28th, 8:52pm

(NAME) was flopped out on their couch, watching their favorite TV show. They had only returned home a few minutes ago. They had placed the candy they got from Candy Club on their table.

(NAME)'s phone started to ring. They slowey reached over, and answered the number. "Hello." (NAME) said.
"Hey, (NAME)! It's me, Lila!"

"Ah, hi Lila!" (NAME) said, trying to match Lila's current energetic mood, despite being tired.

"How are you?" Jabbered Lila. "I'm alright, what about you?" (NAME) replied. "I'm doing great! Listen, I was wondering if you would like to spend Halloween with me and Jaune!" asked Lila.

"Sure! Anything specific planned?" questioned (NAME). "Not really, we could watch horror movies, or go to a haunted house! Or.. Erm.. Oh! Or we could go trick-or-treating together! Wouldn't that be cool?" Urged Lila.

"I'm sure we'll find something to do. After all, it IS Halloween, which means anything could happen." Joked (NAME). Lila let out a small chuckle.

"My son and his friend will probably want to do their own thing, so maybe it could be some time for, yknow, just the three of us! I have so much I need to tell you and Jaune!" Lila said happily. "Mm-Hmm" replied (NAME).

"Hey, listen.." mumbled Lila. The easygoing mood in her voice slowly started to fade away, and turn into seriousness.

"(NAME), can you do me a huge favor?" mumbled Lila. "Sure..?" (NAME) replied.

"Can..Can you keep a watch on my son and friend? Like, make sure they dont get themselves in trouble?" Lila said, hesitating. "..Yea, of course." (NAME) said, slightly confused.

"I know how much they love October, and ESPECIALLY Halloween. I just don't want them to hurt themselves." Blurted Lila. "I understand." (NAME) said, worried. "I'm bringing this up because this morning, the tires on my car had been slashed." cried Lila. "Wait, what? Really?" Blurted (NAME). "I-I told Jaune about this earlier, and she said it's probably a blood thirsty killer trying to prevent their victims from escaping! I told her not to say those things, because.. It kinda frightened me." complained Lila.

"Hey, she was probably just joking around." (NAME) said, trying to comfort Lila. "I know.. Just.. It made me paranoid! I'm worried something might happen to my son! Or you!"

(NAME) paused for a second. "I promise, nothing bad will happen to your son, or me." Declared (NAME). Lila let out a sigh of relief, but it was still clear she was worried. "Thank you, (NAME)." blurted Lila.

(NAME) listened to Lila's gratitude, with a sense of tranquility melting into them. However, that feeling would soon turn into confusion, because in that moment, someone knocked on (NAME)'s door.

"Ah, someones knocking at my door." sighed (NAME). "Alright! I have some other stuff I should be working on anyway. Bye (NAME)!" happily said Lila. (NAME) hung up the phone, and started to walk at an amble pace to the door.

When they opened the door, no one was there. Chills went down (NAME)'s spine. They glanced around, trying to look for any signs of a person. No one could be seen. However, it wasn't completely empty. At the bottom of (NAME)'s doorstep, there was a bouquet of beautiful, dark red, roses. (NAME) picked up the flowers, and glanced at them. For a second, they felt honored that someone would leave them such pretty flowers, but also considered on WHO would even give them the flowers?

They looked around again, trying to see any hints of who left the flowers. No one was in sight. They glanced down at the flowers, and noticed a small notecard attached to the stems with tape.

(NAME) peeled off the notecard, and noticed it had a message. They brought the notecard closer to their eyes so they could read it..

"Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Halloween is Soon
I Love You"

And at the bottom of the notecard, there was a small picture of smiley face.

(NAME) felt their heart do a backflip. Words couldn't describe how HONORED they felt. However, the need to know how left the flowers and note on their doorstep only grew.

They tried to think of anyone that could've left the note. The first person that came to (NAME)'s mind was Roy. Not because Roy liked (NAME), but because he LOVED pranking (NAME) whenever he got the chance. (NAME) wouldn't be suprised if all of this was some huge prank from Roy. "What a cruel prank.." (NAME) said to themselves.

They walked back into their house, locked the door, and placed the flowers on the table, next to the candy bag. Then, they flopped right on top of their bed. They weren't tired at the moment, so they decided to spend some time on their phone. Not to mention that their mind was racing with thoughts and predictions of who gave them the flowers.


A couple hours passed, and (NAME) started to feel tired. They decided that now would be a good time to fall alseep. They set their phone down, and got themselves in a comfortable position, waiting for themselves to drift off.


A few minutes passed, and (NAME) was now half alseep. In a few seconds, they would probably fall alseep. ..However, for a few seconds, (NAME) could've swore they heard a door slowly creep open, but they fell alseep before they could do anything about it.

🍴 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now