Chap 4. "𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥"

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The state of being subject to death.

(NAME) stood a step backwards, being creeped out. "..Do you need anything?" mumbled (NAME). Bob paused for a second, then leaned closer to (NAME).

"..Yes." He said, with his smile getting bigger, and drooling running down his mouth.

His breath seemed to have gotten heavier for a second, but it seems he was forcing himself to stay under control. (NAME) glanced away for a moment, then looked back at Bob.

"How about we play a game?" Uttered Bob. He seemed to be leaning in even closer, causing (NAME) to take a step backwards. "A game? Like.. Hide and seek?" whispered (NAME). "Indeed. And if you win, you'll get more candy." Bob held out a large bag of candy. He shook it slightly, as if he was trying to temp (NAME) into the game.

(NAME) did some thinking. What would be the point of playing Hide and Seek with a stranger to get more candy? If anything, the candy could've been poisoned.

"..Wait. I get more candy if I win, but what if you win? What do you get?" Questioned (NAME). His eyes widen, and his grin got wider as he started to snicker at the question. He whispered, "That'll be a suprise." while emphasizing the word "surprise," and drool leaking from his mouth.

(NAME) could only stand there, dazed and bewildered. "..Okay?" they mumbled.

"To make the game more fun, lets play in three rounds. Whoever wins the most rounds is the winner." commanded Bob. He narrowed his eyes at (NAME).

"But.. Why? Why play this game with me??" snapped (NAME). With Bob's eyes still fixated on (NAME), he started to howl out with laughter. That barbaric laughter filled the empty streets with a admonishing sound, echoing through every crack and corner.

Then, he turned his body slighty, and put his hands over his eyes. In an admonitory way, he moved two fingers away from one eye, peaking at (NAME).

"Start hidin'."

Then, he covered his eye again, and started counting. "..1.. ..2.." teased Bob. It took (NAME) a second to realize that their time to hide was running out. In a panic, they started running down the street as fast as their legs could carry them.

They didn't even want to look behind them. They watched as everything in their surroundings passed by their veiw in a blurry fashion. The wind blew against them.

They quickly turned a sharp corner, and saw a near gas station. Not knowing where else to go, they burst open the doors of the gas station, and bolted inside, almost tripping over their own feet.

Once they were inside, they took a second to catch their breath. After the sudden panic, adrenaline, and running, they felt their body feel fatigue. ..Deep breath in, deep breath out.. They felt their heartbeat, which was racing, start to calm down. "Huff.." They wheezed.

Now that (NAME) cought their breath, they began to acknowledge their surroundings. It was.. a pretty basic Gas Station. Snacks, drinks, magazines, and any other random thing a gas station has. The store had a cheap febreze smell to it.
"Hey, are ya just gonna stand there? Or are ya gonna buy something?" yelled a voice.

(NAME) looked over, and noticed that the owner of that voice was the store worker. He was sitting behind his counter, with his head resting in one hand, while the other was on his phone. He didn't seem like he was in a good mood. (NAME) just ignored him.

However, (NAME) was at a gas station. The least they could do is look around at the products they're currently selling. First, they walked to the candy isle, and glanced over all the options. (NAME) did just buy a bunch of candy, and apparantly, if they beat this strange devil dude in a rounds of a game, he'll give us more candy.

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