Chap 8. "𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠"

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"I apologize for the sudden intrusion, (NAME). Roy has been reported missing, and you're our prime suspect." John mumbled.

"..What?" (NAME) said, trailing off. It felt like they got shot in the knees. They wanted to crumble onto the ground and morph away. They felt sick from hearing those distrusting words. Why? Well, not only is there the chance of spending time in jail, but knowing that something horrible could be happening to Roy right now.

"How am I the prime suspect?" (NAME) threatened. "I was at the police station all night. And you even searched my house!"

"You were the last person to be seen with Roy." warned John. He blinked slowly.

A particular memory started to flow in (NAME)'S mind. Last night, while (NAME) was looking for Bob during their game of hide and seek, they saw Roy by himself. Now that (NAME) thought about it, Ross and Robert weren't with Roy at the moment, either. It would've been child's play to abduct him.

Last Night:
(NAME) and Roy glared at eachother silently for a few seconds, as if it were an intense starring contest. (NAME) knew Roy. If he didn't want to say anything, no point in trying. (NAME) sighed in annoyance. "Do whatever you want, just don't die." muttered (NAME). Roy seemed satisfied with (NAME)'s answer. A hideous smile formed upon his lips, turning his face into a presumptuous, smug expression.

Damn it. (NAME) told themselves they should've stayed with Roy, even though he wouldn't like it. Yeah, Roy likes to annoy (NAME) whenever he can, but he's just a kid. A feeling of guilt starts washing over them.

"Listen, I just need to ask you a few questions to clear some things up." Persisted John. He  glared right into (NAME)'s eye, trying to intimidate them. However, his eyes showed a hint of sympathy.

"..I understand." (NAME) mumbled. They looked at the ground with a droopy body. A slight breeze blew through the air. Their clothes danced along with the patterns of the wind.

"May I come in?" asked John. (NAME) hesitantly nodded, and moved away from the door, signaling that he can walk in the house. John hesitated for a moment, before walking through the door with a slumped posture. Roy's mom through the door after John, glaring daggers right at (NAME) while she walked passed them.

(NAME) hastily closed the door right after everyone walked in. They looked back over at John, who was inspecting everything in the house with a bored expression. Meanwhile, Roy's mom had her hands on her hips, clearly judging (NAME)'s house. Ugh, how obnoxious.

"Do you mind if we sit here?" John asked, while pointing at the kitchen table. "Of course, we can sit here." (NAME) said, trying to sound professional.

John pulled out a chair, and slowly sat down. (NAME) sat down at the opposite side of John. Roy's mom stood by John, arms crossed, and still looking over the house. It was awkward silence as John looked through his bag, pulling out a notebook, a pencil, and a voice recorder. "I apologize, I'll need to record our conversation. It's for legal purposes." John mumbled. (NAME) nodded at him.

"Erm.. Ma'am, aren't you going to sit down?" John asked. Roy's mom, who was still standing, scoffed. "You expect me to sit on this tacky furniture? That's the same as asking someone to get sick." Roy's mom loudly announced, raising her chin up.

"Uh.. Alright?" John mumbled, raising an eyebrow at Roy's mom. (NAME) sat there, trying to act like what Roy's mom said bothered them. After all, they don't want to act out in front of a cop.

John placed the voice recorder in the middle of the table. He pushed a button on the device, which caused a small, tiny light to appear, signaling that it was currently recording.

"Alright, (NAME). Tell me what happened last night." He asked.

And so, (NAME) told John everything. Meeting Bob, last seeing Roy, Kevin disappearing, and playing hide and seek with a stranger. They tried to describe everything in detail. While talking, John would occasionally take notes of any important details (NAME) mentioned.

"See, John? I told you they would be insane." Blurted Roy's mom. "..I'm sorry?" (NAME) said, getting slighty agitated.

"Disappointing candy store workers? Playing hide and seek with someone dressed as a nosy devil? These things just aren't normal." She said, raising her eyebrow, and glaring right at (NAME) without showing a sign of nervousness. "Are you sure you weren't drunk at the time?" She said, leaning closer to (NAME).

"Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to avoid interrupting this interrogation, or you will have to leave." John dictated, giving Roy's mom a foul look.

"I wasn't drunk! It all happened! And..And.. Kevin! The Candy Club worker!" They blurted. Quick flashes of memories about Kevin flickered through their mind. They missed Kevin. They were so worried that Bob might've hurt Kevin, or worse..

"Kevin, huh? The candy store employee? We haven't gotten any missing reports for him." John said, scratching the back of his neck.

(NAME) still didn't believe Kevin was safe. It makes sense that a missing person report for a careless, defenseless, child would be filed faster then an adult that has full responsibility of their life.

"Let's just move onto the next question." John quickly said. "Was Roy acting weird in any way when you last saw him?"

"Erm.. I guess so. Now that I think about it, he was being.. secretive. As if he was hiding something." admitted (NAME). Roy's mom raised an eyebrow at (NAME).

"In any specific way?" He asked. "Hmm.. Well, he did seem suprised when he saw me. Then, he got defensive when I asked him what he was doing."

John scribbled his notes down in his notebook at a quick pace.

John asked (NAME) a few more questions after that. Roy's mom would occasionally interrupt at certain moments, usually to make (NAME) sound insane.

Now, the interrogation that seemed like hours has finally ended. John packed up his things, and wished (NAME) goodbye. However, he left them a small message of encouragement before he left.

"I don't think you had anything to do with the disappearance of Roy. He mumbled.

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