Chap 5. "𝐒𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠"

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Causal or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed of being true.

Fun Fact: Humans are the only animals that can blush.

When Bob left the store, he glanced around, and saw (NAME) walking away. He quickly caught up to them.

"Where do you think you're going? We're still playing the game, right (NAME)?"

(NAME) cautiously turned around, and faced Bob once again. "..Uhm, listen." mumbled (NAME). "This game has been.. erm.. fun, but I should get home soon. It's getting late."

(NAME) gestured Bob's attention to the sky. The orange-pink color in the endless sunset remained, however, it was steadily getting darker and dim.

"Oh, but it's only the second round! After all, it's your turn to count." Equivocated Bob. His elastic smile seemed to grow even larger. (NAME) felt Bob's rusty breath against their skin. Strangely, Bob smelled like fresh blood. "My turn to count?" muttered (NAME).

"Indeed. You count, and find me." threatened Bob. He stared at (NAME) deeply, while his grin never flinched. "Wait-" exclaimed (NAME).

They immediately stopped talking when they looked up at Bob. He was glaring at (NAME) with slight drool dripping from his mouth, and his eye twitching. "Start countin'." commanded Bob. (NAME) felt their palms sweating. They hesitantly did what Bob told them too. (NAME) timidly raised their hands over their eyes, covering their vision. "..1.. ..2.." whispered (NAME). The October chill blew against their skin, causing slight goosebumps. They felt their stomach rise and fall with every shakey breath they took.
(NAME) counted to 10. They tentatively lowered their hands. Bob was gone. At this point, (NAME) was considering just going home at this point. Then, they wouldn't have to worry about.. this weird game of hide and seek with a stranger. They stood there, wondering what they should do.

They took a deep breath, and forced themselves to start looking for Bob. Hopefully, he chooses a super easy hiding spot, one thats simple and easy to find. They had no idea where to look first. Now that (NAME) thought about it, they had no idea how Bob found them so quickly last round. They sighed, and just started walking down the sidewalk with slumped shoulders.

The streetlamps shined on (NAME) from above. Every step they took felt like they just ran a marathon. They thought of random memories, which played in their mind like an ancient Power Point presentation in school. Their shoes squished against the cement sidewalk, and occasionally stepped on crunchy leaves. However, it was starting to get freezing cold. They hugged themselves, trying to keep any warmth they had.

(NAME) kept walking at an amble pace, until they passed the a coffee shop. Bright lights shined through the windows. From how cold it was, (NAME) swung open the doors, and rushed inside. The warmth from the shop hugged (NAME)'s body. The smell of coffee filled (NAME)'s nose. They glanced around, and noticed that it wasn't busy. Only a few customers sitting at the tables by themselves. They all had a cup of coffee by them, and they were either on their phone, or a laptop. Either way, most of them were probably at the coffee shop to use the free wifi.

(NAME) thought they should buy something warm to drink, and take it with them for the road. Bob would have to wait for (NAME) to find them.

(NAME) strolled over to the counter with the cashier. "Excuse me, can I have-" muttered (NAME). They trailed off as they realized the cashier wasn't listening to them. Instead, she was on their phone, leaning against the counter, and playing with a strand of her hair. "Oh my god, and I was like, your hair is super cute! It was the ugliest haircut I have ever seen. She was like-" The cashier rambled random nonsense to her friend over the phone. Her large, obnoxious grin almost covered her entire face.

🍴 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now