Chap 3. "𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬"

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"A practical joke or mischievous act."

October 29, 8:02am


(NAME) looked down at the bag of candy they bought yesterday. More then half of the candy was gone. Not to mention that their front door was unlocked, despite locking it last night.

(NAME) first thought an animal broke into their house, then ate most of the candy. However, that wouldn't explain the unlocked door. Could this be another prank from Roy, or did someone actually break in their house?

They keep wondering if they should call the police or not. At first, they though they SHOULD call the police.
..Instead, they made themselves breakfast.

October 29, 4:44pm

Roy laughed deviously to himself. He was planning to prank (NAME) again. What was his exact plan? Throw toilet paper at (NAME)'s house. Yep, a preeeetty classic prank.

He stuffed his large backpack with rolls and rolls of toilet paper. Of course, he didn't want to do this prank alone, so he called his two good friends, Ross and Robert. However, they were somewhat against Roy's prank.

"Theres no way you're actually gonna do this," blurted Robert. "OF COURSE I AM!" yelled Roy, while being proud. He had a slight smug expression on his face.

"But I like (NAME). They're a good person," sneered Ross. "Dont be such a scaredy-cat! It's just a prank. It's not like I'm murdering them," Roy threatened.
"Now, let's hurry up!"

Roy ran off, wearing the backpack full of toilet paper. Ross and Robert glanced at eachother with worried expressions, then started running after Roy.


(NAME) brushed their hair, brushed their teeth, and did anything else to make themselves presentable. They finally stopped procrastinating, and decided to go back to the Candy Store to buy more candy, due to the other candy they bought yesterday mysteriously disappearing.

However, (NAME) did some thinking, and realized that they didn't have a costume for Halloween. They weren't sure what they EXACTLY wanted to be at the moment, but maybe if they look at all the options for costumes, then maybe some ideas might start forming.

Yet, they'll have time to question what they want to be for Halloween later. Now, they have to buy more candy.

While walking to the door, they glanced back over to the flowers they got yesterday. They remembered the "poem" they got with the roses. "Roses are red, violets are blue, Halloween is soon, I love you." It's.. It's just strange detail. Why does it matter that Halloween is soon?

(NAME) tried to make themselves forget about the poem, and continue with their day. When they opened the door.. They saw an interesting sight.

There, right in front of (NAME)'s yard, was Roy, Ross, and Robert having an argument. It seemed like Ross had taken away Roy's backpack. Before (NAME) could listen in on their arguement, they noticed (NAME), and ran off, except Ross.

..What was that about?

"..Ross, what's happening?" (NAME) asked. "Roy tried to throw toilet paper at your house." replied Ross. (NAME) just blinked at him, while processing what he just said. "Oh.." mumbled (NAME).

"Don't worry about it. If I were you, I wouldn't want toilet paper on my house either." Ross said. He opened Roy's backpack to reveal dozens of toilet paper sitting inside. "Woah.." voiced (NAME). "..Thank you, Ross."

Ross smiled happily at (NAME), before waving and walking away.

Jeez, Roy just won't leave (NAME) alone.

(NAME) sighed, and continued walking to the candy store.


(NAME) had finally arrived at CandyClub. They entered the building, and glanced around. The sweet smell of the shop and cute colors brought back that satisfying atmosphere. (NAME) grabbed a new bag, and started to grab handfuls of candy once again.

They walked over to the counter once again, meeting Kevin. "Back again?" Questioned Kevin. "Mm-Hmm." (NAME) said.

Just like last time, Kevin grabbed the candy, and started counting. The soft music echoed through the store. "What made you come back so soon?" Questioned Kevin, as he continued counting the candy.

"Ah, the candy I brought last time kinda.. disappeared." croaked (NAME).

Suddenly, Kevin stopped counting the candy, and slowly looked up at (NAME). "YOU TOO?!" Yelled Kevin. "I've been getting candy stolen from me almost every 2-3 days for the past couple weeks. I've set up cameras, but I haven't caught anything!"

(NAME) blinked at him. "I bet it's those weird kids that wear those hats." grumbled Kevin. (NAME) knew who he was talking about. The hatz gang. "You think so?" whispered (NAME).

"I know so. Who else would it be?" Kevin stated. "Also, your total is $8.99."

(NAME) handed Kevin the money, and they took the bag of candy. (NAME) turned around, and started to slowly head torrards the exit. When suddenly.. "Hey, (NAME), be safe out there, alright?" mumbled Kevin.

This surprised (NAME). They had never heard Kevin say something like.. that. It was nice to hear it from him, though. "I will." (NAME) said, giving Kevin a warm smile. Kevin smiled back.

(NAME) turned, and left. The sky was beautiful. It was getting late, which means the sun was setting. The sky was an orange-pink color. (NAME) looked up, and admired the sight.

They took a deep breath in, and started walking home. However, it wasn't going to stay peaceful. (NAME) heard a weird shuffle noise from behind them. (NAME) felt a strange sense of dizziness for a second. They quickly turned around, and saw some kid wearing a horrifying bug mask.
"RAAAAAHH!!!!" screamed the kid, and started running torrards (NAME).

In a panic, (NAME) defended themselves by tensing themselves up, clenching their fists, and preparing themselves for anything. They hastily shut their eyes, and automatically took a step backwards.


Huh? (NAME) peaked their eyes open, and saw.. Roy. He was the one wearing the mask. He had a smug expression covering his face while he stuck his chin up. "GET PRANKED (NAME)!!" he yelled, while exaggerating the word "pranked."

"J..Jeez, you scared me.." (NAME) said. They felt their heartbeat, which was beating rapidly, start to calm down. Roy stuck his chest out in confidence. "You jumped so bad, HAH!" teased Roy, while pointing his finger at (NAME.) "That's because you scared me!" hissed (NAME). Roy only shrugged his shoulders, and bolted away before (NAME) could say anything else.

(NAME) watched as Roy ran off, giggling to himself. They took a deep breath once again, and started to walk home. While walking, they looked up at the magnificent sky. Slight wind blew, but it wasn't anything bothersome. They then turned their attention to the ground, watching the sidewalk as they walked. Their hair danced along with the wind.

However, Roy's prank wasn't the only horrible thing that would happen. While (NAME) was walking, they noticed a large shadow with horns start to hover them. When they turned around, they saw a man with a large smile, and two red horns. The cold blew against the both of them. It was Bob Velseb.

"..Hello?" Whispered (NAME). Bob looked at (NAME), grinning.

"Did you know, the halal method produces more tender in fresh meat?"

(NAME) stood a step backwards, being creeped out. "..Do you need anything?" mumbled (NAME). Bob paused for a second, then leaned closer to (NAME).

"..Yes." He said, with his smile getting bigger, and drooling running down his mouth.

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