Chap 7. "𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬"

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Frightening or unpleasant dream.

Fun Fact: Your body stretches when your sleeping. So, when you wake up, you're taller then usual. Your height reverts back to your normal when your awake.

October 30, 7:44am

(NAME) looked down in horror. Kevin had cuts over his body. One of his legs were missing, and his face was unrecognizable.

"..Kevin?" mumbled (NAME). Tears formed at the corners of their eyes. Kevin's blood spread across the floor.

"Nrgh.." Groaned Kevin. He was still alive. (NAME) felt their heart drop.

"(NAME), this isn't a good time. Go." Pleaded Kevin. He had tears running down his face. His words were barely audible.

(NAME) felt their knees get weak, and a mushy pain in their stomach, as if they were about to get sick. (NAME) looked up, and saw Bob standing before Kevin.

"How about another game of hide and seek? I know it's your favorite." Threatened Bob. "You hide." He commanded.

He slowly pulled out his knife, which was dripping in blood, most likely from Kevin. Bob jolted torrards (NAME) laughing, as Kevin screamed.

"AHH!" (Name) shrieked, jumping out of bed. It took them a moment to realize that it was all just a nightmare.

A disgusting feeling morphed within (NAME). They couldn't help but worry about Kevin.

They tried to brush away the feeling, and focus on what was currently happening. At that moment, they remembered they were sleeping in a cell at the police station. This caused them to remember the events of last night.

"Is everything alright? I heard screaming." yelled Jack, with a concerned look on his face. "It was just a nightmare." muttered (NAME). They blinked slowly at Jack.

Hastily, Jack unlocked the cell, letting (NAME) leave. "You're free to leave! Well, you kinda have leave, but-" Jack trailed off. (NAME) simply nodded at whatever he said. They were still tired from the events of last night.

"Well, we got good news and bad news! The good news is that we found no traces of Bob Velseb in your home! The bad news is that we have no hints on where he could be." Said Jack, trying to be optimistic. (NAME) nodded.

Jack started to laugh awkwardly, and focus his gaze on a random object in the room. "Y-You seem tired. ..Do you need us to drive you home?" asked Jack, looking nervous. "..Sure. Thank you." Mumbled (NAME).

And then, Jack took (NAME) back home. It was pretty cool for (NAME), because they got to sit in a police car for the first time in awhile.

Jack stopped right by (NAME)'s house. "Alright, here's your stop!" laughed Jack. (NAME) steadily opened the door, and exited the car. "Stay safe, and- Oh! Good Morning!" Exclaimed Jack, before slowly driving away happily.

However, (NAME) wasn't happy. They starred at their house, as memories from last night replayed in their mind. They knew the police said there's no sign of Bob in their house, but they couldn't help but be paranoid that he was secretly hiding somewhere the entire time the police were searching.

They hesitantly walked in their house, and scanned the area. Everything seemed.. normal. They slowly set one foot inside, worried they'll make a noise for a creature that might not even be in their house.

They set another foot inside, and glanced around. Nothing new. Wait, something was new. On the table, there was a small Chocolate Box. (NAME) hesitantly got closer, and picked up the box. Something about it was.. fimular. They thought about it, and then.. They remembered that it was the Chocolate Box they wanted from the gas station! ..But, they didn't have any memory of buying it, so how did it get here?

While inspecting the box, a notebook fell from it. "Huh?" (NAME) said to themselves. They picked up the notecard, and read it:

"For my sweetheart."

Woah.. That struck (NAME) in the heart.
..Was this a gift from Bob?

Once again, (NAME) started to feel honored. They set the box down, and walked over to the couch. They sat down, and just relaxed for a moment. They starred at the ceiling, and soaked in all feelings of peace. They closed their eyes, and.. Fell alseep


Knock Knock Knock

..Huh? (NAME) heard an aggressive knock on the door.

Knock Knock Knock

Ugh.. (NAME) slowly got up, and rushed to the door, and beyond the door was.. a interesting suprise.

Standing there was John, and a woman with curly hair, and a beautiful dress.

"YOU!! YOU MONSTER!" screamed the lady. She bolted torrards (NAME), reaching out to them, doing anything to get her hands on them. John had to stick his arm out to prevent her from getting closer.

"..What's happening?" (NAME) asked, confused.

"Don't act oblivious! You know why we're here you filthy pedestrian!" shrieked the women. "Ma'am, please calm down." John said, in a bored voice.

The women only crossed her arms, and lifted her chin up.

Now that (NAME) thought about it.. the women looked like Roy's mom. No.. IT WAS ROY'S MOM. (NAME) felt a surge of confusion shot through their body.

"Um.." Mumbled (NAME).

"I apologize for the sudden intrusion, (NAME). Roy has been reported missing, and you're our prime suspect." John mumbled.

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