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Lana POV

I've been placed in a room, doctors have checked me and I'm 2cm right now. Baby A is head down. They have injected me with a steroid to hopefully help the babies lung development. I'm so scared. I just want Chris here. I know I'm mad at him but he is the only one who can calm me right now.

Seb is trying his hardest to keep me calm and I'm trying to stay strong because I don't want to scare April. I'm just have another contractions when I hear the door open, I look up and see Chris. He looks like he's been crying. He kisses April and rushes to me, holding my hands as I lean back into him as the pain takes a hold.

He kisses my head "I'm here baby"
"Chris....I'm so scared"
"It's okay. Everything is going to be okay"
"I'm going to take April for a walk okay"
"Okay. Thanks Seb. Love you princess"
"Love you mummy. Love you daddy"
"Love you baby"
As they walk out, I feel my walls break. I start to sob uncontrollably. Chris wraps his arms around me.

"Chris it's too early"
"Hey! Look at me" I turn my head to face him "our babies are going to be okay. Your going to be okay"
I nod and he kisses me deeply "I love you so much. I'm so sorry for how I spoke to
"I love you too. And your not out of the dog house for that just yet"
He nods and kisses me again, helping me back onto the bed.

Chris POV

After an hour, the doctor comes back to check on the progress.
"Lana your not dilating. The babies are in distress. We are going to have to do a c section"
They get her ready and we walk to the theatre. They throw me some scrubs and I quickly put them on.

As I walk in, Lana is having an epidural placed into her spine. She looks to me and gives me a faint smile. As they finish they lay her down and get her prepped. I sit down next to her head and hold her hand.
"We are going to have our babies soon"
"I love you"
"I love you"
For what feels like forever the doctor announces we have a baby boy. He is beautiful. And then a minute or two later he tells us we have a baby girl. April was right.

Once they clean them up, they bring them over for us to have a look.
"L, there beautiful"
"Yes they are"
I notice Lana start to gasp for air.
"We need you to move Mr Evans"
"What's going on?"

They rush me out, taking the babies to the NICU and making me wait in the waiting area. I call Seb not knowing where they have got too. I explain everything and he asks if I need him. The truth is I do, but April needs him more right now. So I tell him to stay with her and I'll update him as soon as possible.

After an hour the doctor comes out, he walks over to me and I pray it's good news.
"Mr Evans, Lana had a tear that ruptured. We have fixed it and she is okay"
"Oh thank god"
"She is being taken to recovery now. And a nurse will come and get you once she is settled ok"
"Ok" I shake his hand "thank you doctor"

I smile as he walks away. She is okay, my babies are okay. I have my family intact. I've never been more scared in my whole life. I can't lose her or our kids, they are my world and from now on, I'm doing everything in my power to make sure they are safe. Each and every one of them.

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