(RWBY V2) Why I Came To Beacon

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Damian sees Yang sitting down on his bed, Ruby and Silver are sitting on Silver's bed. Blake sits on Onyx's bed and he sits alongside her, finally there's Weiss sitting on Watari's bed and he sits with her.

Damian grabs the chair from the desk and sits down. He remains completely silent for a few minutes rubbing his hands and takes a few breathers.

Damian: You guys are familiar with the stories of heroes and monsters. Legends that probably do or don't exist. Events that your parents tell you which makes your head spin... but in truth, there's always more to the story. Hidden between the facts and figures, the victims and heroes... there's always something more to them than meets the eye. During my time traveling around Remnant I hunted down The Order without a sense of slowing down, but during my travels I also took down your average criminals. Drug dealers, murderers, kidnappers, mercenaries, etc. However, one of the biggest things that I handled was a group of slavers who have been running a Faunus Trafficking organization.

Ruby: Faunus Trafficking?

Damian: Yes. I take it you all heard about the number of Faunus who had gone missing a few months ago, correct?

Watari: I heard about that story. So many individuals were never back from their homes. A good amount of them were missions as Huntsmen.

Damian: Correct. During my time traveling, I studied the pattern of each missing person's reports and I learned that the Faunus who were gone. Didn't go missing on some serious mission, but they were ambushed by slavers.

Blake and Onyx looked very concerned while listening to the information.

Weiss: So what happened next?

Damian: I tracked down anyone who might know about the recent kidnapping and I managed to find a few people who were willing to be "persuaded" to share their knowledge with me.

Yang: You hurt them.

Damian nods his head.

Damian: I was able to learn that the people responsible were known successful businessmen and like all businessmen you need to enjoy yourselves to a certain degree. One of them being hunting.

Onyx: Hunting? You don't mean--

Silver: They killed them. For sport and entertainment.

Damian: Yes.

The others were shocked, Blake who is heartbroken by hearing this started to cry and Onyx wrapped his arms around her. Weiss and Watari were devastated by this knowing that something like that would happen.

Ruby: What happened next?

Damian: I searched for a long time in order to find the ones who sold these people for sport and I wasn't very friendly towards the ones who are responsible. Some of them wouldn't talk, so I decided to ask for some help by a few old friends in Atlas.

Watari: Atlas?

Weiss: You were in our hometown?

Damian: It's not the first time. I made sure to talk to the ones I could trust and thanks to their help I found them. All of them. I made sure to destroy their business, their clients businesses and revealed the information to the authorities. As for the criminals? I made sure they returned alive with broken bones and missing teeth, a good amount of them won't be walking without a cane. Others will be eating through a straw or rolling on a wheelchair.

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