(RWBY V5) Dread in the Air

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As the cargo ship flies over Lake Matsu, Weiss Schnee and Watari Yoshisada, are still thinking about the fact that they are unable to help the Mistralian cargo pilots while Damian continues to meditate, suddenly they notice to their right a series of landmasses floating in the bright blue, partly cloudy sky, with what appears to be black crystals jutting out from the bottom of the rock formations. Puzzled, she then decides to head into the pilot's cabin. The doors open.

Weiss: Where are we?

Pilot: Nowhere good. Passing by some of Lake Matsu's floating islands. The gravity Dust that forms in these things is giving us a little turbulence. Nothing I can't handle, but the islands sometimes hide some nasty Grimm. (As Weiss walks toward the pilot, outside, an airship is seen quickly heading towards them, on fire, and leaving a giant trail of smoke behind it.) I'm just betting on our friends in distress keeping them preoccupied.

Weiss notices to her right the approach of the heavily damaged airships.

Weiss: Look out!

The airship comes barreling from their right, narrowly hitting their cargo ship and forcing the pilot to pull upward to avoid it. The doomed craft, bearing a white symbol for Mistral on its sail, proceeds to collide into one of the floating islands.

Pilot: You've got to be kidding me!

The pilot then decides to switch back to the radio, listening in for nearby transmissions.

Mistral Pilot: By the gods, we've lost Percy! Help!

Another Mistralian airship, pursued by a swarm of wasp-like Grimm, is suddenly hooked from multiple directions by their extendable stingers, which leaves them trapped and unable to move.

Mistral Pilot: We're hooked! We're hooked!

As the pilot makes a frantic call, the wood on the ship's exterior begins to crack, as the insects grappling on the ship pull very tightly.

Mistral PIlot: Everyone, abandon ship!

Capitalizing on their fear, one of the Grimm somersaults into the air and dive-bombs into the top of the ship, as the pilot and everyone on board perishes in the ensuing explosion. The rest of the Grimm following this turn their attention to and pursue Weiss' airship.

Pilot: Lancers, freaking Lancers! Alright buckle up-- Huh?

Watari: I hated Wasp,

He turns to speak to Weiss, only to see her jump down a hatch into the cargo hold, as she is determined to stop the swarm.

Pilot: (over an intercom speaker) What are you doing?

Weiss: What we should've done in the first place!

Pilot: Kid your girlfriend is something else.

Watari(smiling proudly): I know and I love that about her.

Watari heads down to the same hatch and grabs his twin swords. Damian follows them and smiles knowing things are about to get interesting.

Weiss: You're carrying Dust, right?

Pilot: Officially, no. Actually, yes.

Watari: Well it's not official, meaning we're free to use it.

Weiss opens a large container of vials of powdered Dust and loads her weapon Myrtenaster with six of them.

(f)Damian: Good! Then when we tell you, open the rear door!

Pilot: Better make it quick!

The pilot makes multiple evasive maneuvers, but the Lancers gain on the ship and begin to shoot their stingers at it.

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