Author's Note! (Important Info!!)

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Heyy. Guess who's back from the dead. It's me. For the time being.

Life has been insane lately and I know it's been a while since I last updated. Truth is, I'm not sure what more I can do here. But I do have a solution.

I plan on rebuilding this book from the ground up. For real this time. But I do need help. That's where you come in. I'm looking for any help, from a beta reader to splitting ownership of 'Mine' with another writer. Or both.

If you were to be my beta reader, we'd obviously stay in contact with each other. You'd be my editor basically; making sure I'm not only factually correct but canonically correct too. Very important. You'd also be helping with my pacing. Making sure I'm not rushing anything, or making plot holes for myself. This fanfic is full of them. I'm offering two spaces for editors. this is going to be big.

Now, if you wanted to be my partner in crime, we'd discuss everything about Mine. Where the plot goes, how to set the mood we want, etc. I'd be giving you the credit for making the fanfic as well. At that point, it's not only my fanfic but your masterpiece as well. Update: We do have a Co-creator now! 

If you'd like to help out, please expect the following:

- We'd need active helpers. I'm not asking 24/7, but at least message at least once

- The book is in English. Make sure you're fluent. Please. I need people better at English than me.

- It's not only my project now. It's ours. You can suggest any idea for the book, and we'll listen!

- Make sure you know how to work google docs. We'll be writing on that. As well as discord, where we will all talk.

- I will be writing, a lot. We may ask to see how you write, it's nothing against you. We just want to see the experience.

I do have discord, feel free to send a friend request if you want to help out <3 It's Lila Vey#7312 Yes, there is a space between the two names.

See you all on the flip side!

~ Lila

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