Crushing on the Blonde

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*evil laughter intensifies*

Art credit goes to nera_27

Alastor slammed his head on the counter as Charlie and Angel came back. Charlie looked flustered, while Angel help a smirk that said it all. He looked at Charlie and they locked eyes. Charlie looked down and blushed more, causing Alastor to groan.

"Listen Strawberry Daddy. Just go get her." Angel sat next to him and smirked. He looked at him.

"Oh yeah? And what am I to do with her lady friend?"

"Girlfriend" Angel corrected, "and I gotchu. Whenever you and little happy-dappy wanna get it on, gimme a hollar" he winked "I'll take care of Vags."

Alastor flushed. "I have no sexual relations with the Princess" he looked behind him to see Charlie and Vaggie talking in hushed tones. "And keep your voice down. Have you forgotten we are all in the same room?"

Husk scoffed at this, "chill Alastor. There's almost 30 fucking demons in here. No one can hear your sappy bullshit talk" he took a swing of his booze before leaning over the counter, "but listen. If you want the chick go get her. You're a powerful demon, you can grab anyone"

"Anyone would bounce on that dick of yours" Angel laughed, looking at Alastor up and down. Alastor groaned and facepalmed and Husk mumbled something and chugged the rest of the contents in the bottle. He put the empty bottle down with a thud. "Angel you little whore, leave the man alone."

"Thank you Husker" Alastor looked at him and grinned. Husk rolled his eyes and grabbed a Jack Daniels and pushed it to him, "drink this." Alastor looked at him in confusion.

"Then go tap that" Angel scoffed and Husk nodded, actually agreeing. "I can picture you two together."

"And fucking hard and long." Angel grinned, "all night"

"Alastor said they don't have a sexual relationship, drag show"

Angel laughed, "aw babe, and you actually believe him?"

"Whatcha talking about boys?" Charlie came up and sat next to Alastor, who tensed up a bit. He played it off cool by taking a drink.

"Oh nothin really toots. Just trying to get smiles a girlfriend" he laughed and smirked, and Charlie seemed to get the memo.

"Oh..." she laughed nervously. "Get me what he's got Husk" she tapped the table twice and turned to Alastor, "so Al, I've been thinking."

"Yes darling?" He turned to her.

"Why don't we throw a party for when my parents arrive?" She seemed to bounce in the stool, "it could be the biggest yet! Like a ball!" Alastor's heart melted at her excitement.

"Oooh, I like that idea" Vaggie piped up, sitting next to Angel. "Like a masquerade ball or whatever, right?"

Charlie nodded, "fancy dresses, food, drinks..."

"I'll go for the drinks" Husk added, handing Vaggie a soda.

"Silly, you'll be the one serving them!" Charlie bounced in her seat. She squealed in delight, and Alastor laughed at her giddiness. She was always known to be this happy all the time, but this new enthusiasm was something to behold.

"Charlie, careful or you'll fall off the stool" he put a hand on her thigh, making her freeze on the spot. She blushed red. Angel smirked at this, "so Alastor, what will your role be?"

He set down his drink, "why, whatever the little darling desires" he petted her head, and grinned wider when he heard a growl from Vaggie. "She's the manager here, we follow her rules."

His heart almost ripped out of his chest when she giggled.


"Details!" Niffty pressed again, causing Alastor to pinch the bridge of his nose and sigh. "All we did was kiss"

"Surrrrrre" Angel grinned, his top two arms crossed and the other on his hips. "Tell us the truth"

"Angel, I tell no lie. We have not engaged in...sexual activities"

"Bummer" he pouted, as Niffty bounced, "Ask her on a date!"

"Niffty, she has Vaggie."

"But she doesn't seem very happy with her" she pondered.

"Tiny has point there. Maybe sweep the princess off her feet. I'll stay out of your room when that happens"

"Just...stay out of my room period." Alastor groaned, pushing him out the room with Niffty in tow. Finally alone, he locked the door and sighed.


"Vaggie, why is the world spinning?" charlie laughed. Vaggie groaned, "because you were drinking. Which is not appropriate"

"Oh please. I can drink"

"No. We've spoken about this."

"You're not my dad!" she squealed, sitting on the floor. She looked up at Vaggie and grinned.

Vaggie couldn't help but smile as her cuteness. She was adorable in her own way. But with that, she was gullible. Very gullible.

"Al!!!" her thoughts were interrupted and Charlie crawled towards him, hugging his leg. He lifted an eyebrow.

"She's drunk", Vaggie rolled her eyes, not looking at him.

"I see" Alastor hummed, "come on darling, before you cause any chaos". Vaggie looked up and froze.

Alastor held her tightly to him, bridal style. Charlie didn't seem to mind. She purred, arms around his neck tightly in return.

Vaggie was pissed.

"Put her down you shitlord!" she growled, grabbing her spear. Alastor was unfazed.

"Sweetheart, I'm only taking her to her rooms--"

"I'll do it then" she snapped back.

"I don't think this little leach is coming off any time soon,'' he laughed, gently pulling Charlie away from his chest to prove his point. She whimpered and held on tighter. Alastor chuckled.

"Fine," she growled, "but no ideas, dick wad"


"Come on Charlie, let me go" Alastor laughed quietly. Charlie's eyes were closed and she held a frown. Her arms and legs were around him like a little kid.


"Charlie. You have to--"

Charlie laughed as they fell over, so Alastor was on top of Charlie. Her legs were still on either side of him. Alastor's face felt hot, and he laughed a bit. He looked at her in the eyes, and she did the same, smiling. But when the smile faded, he got a little nervous.

"Is everything okay darli--"

"Fuck me."

Alastor blinked. What?!


"Please" she looked up at him and whimpered. Her hips were grinding on him, and all he could do was sigh.

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