A Visit

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Sorry about the slow update! I've been struggling in a lot of areas, but I'm back! I have a friend who I didn't know read this book, and he begged for me to continue. So, here it is, the next chapter.

Also, thank you so much for 9k views! It means a lot for me to see how far it's getting in such little time!

Charlie felt empty. Alastor was gone, the hotel was silent. Nothing was the same.

She sat in her room with the door locked, sulking. She only unlocked it for Niffy, and that was for cleaning. She tried to help Charlie out, but she was silent. She hardly spoke, never ate...

This was only the beginning.

There was one day she walked out of her room, down to the main hall. Everyone was there, silent and looked up in surprise at her stressed form in the doorway. She leaned against the door frame and looked a then with exhausted eyes, "mom and dad called. They want us to join them for a little gathering they're having. Maybe we could get more people here if we do."

Vaggie stepped towards her, "are you sure about this hun? Even since Alastor left you've been-"

Charlie sucked in a sharp breath, silencing her. New tears came out of her eyes, and her lip quivered, "we do not speak of the Radio Demon" she took a deep breath, "all of you, get ready. And Angel, please dress nicely, not slutty. We need to look our best"

Angel said nothing and nodded. The last thing she needed was for him to talk back, "I'll see what I can find princess"

"Alright. See you all in a bout an hour" she walked back to her room, holding her head and groaning. She was not ready to face their parents, especially after all that happened. She walked to her room and chose a gown. It was black and red glitter flowing down. It was sleeveless, except for the strings around her neck to form a pentagram. She had black gloves to go with them. She let out her hair and ruffled it a bit, creating a wild look. She was ready. Grabbing a purse, she stepped out of her room, closing the door behind her.

She went downstairs and everyone was dressed nicely. Vaggie braided her hair and wore a purple gown, that's had a bow and a necklace to go with it.

Niffty ran around, preparing everything to go. She wore a short Orange dress, there was a beautiful floral design across the bodice, and she had a matching floral hairpin to go with it. She bounced on her feet excitedly. "Hey Charlie! Ooooh my that dress is beautiful on you!"

"Thanks Niffty. It was my mother's." Vaggie came towards her, smiling, "it looks lovely. But...where is Angel?"

"Aw toots. Ya miss me already?" Angel stepped into the room, looking very classy. He had on a light blue button up with the first two open, exposing his chest fluff. He had on beige pants to match and dressy shoes, and a deep blue jacket to top it off.

Vaggie rolled her eyes walking towards him, "at least button these up. We are seeing the king for fucks sake" she buttoned it up, looking up at him. He raised an eyebrow at her blushing.

Husk came out of his room, "I'm staying behind for this one kid. Don't do the whole...fancy ball bullshit" he chugged a bottle of booze, going back to what he was previously doing

"Are we ready to go?" Charlie asked, smiling a little. Everyone nodded. "Alright! Off we go."
The castle was bigger than she remembered.

There were demons all around her, she recognized some. There was old music playing, and she walked in, humming the melody to it. Behind her, Niffty bounced, eager to go off to do her own thing. Vaggie and Angel were the last to step out. They froze at the entrance, looking around themselves. They stayed in silence before Angel spoke.

"Holy shit..."

"Angel!" Vaggie scolded quietly. It only made him chuckle, "sweetheart this is hell. Have you forgotten?"

Charlie was already off, walking to find her mother who was standing at the bottom of the large steps, looking around.

"Hey mom" she laughed nervously, taking a look at her outfit.

It was a seductive blue dress, sleeveless like Charlie's. It was held but three golden strings, with gloves to match it. There were golden bands that hang onto her exposed thighs, and she had deep blue heels to bring it all together.

Lilith looked at her with an unamused expression, "Hello, Charlotte. I see you found a use for my old dress." Charlie looked down and nodded. "I thought it would look nice for the event. Where's dad?"

"He's dealing with something at the moment dear. Why don't you go around and mingle for a bit? It might do you some good" she finally smiled, however Charlie saw how dry it was. She sighed and turned, only to see a familiar shadow in the distance. It grinned at her, before going away. She blinked for a moment, shaking it off, however she saw it again, and her eyes widened.

'He's here'....she thought, biting her lip. She wanted—needed—to avoid him at all costs, she couldn't bear to face him.

"Hello there darling!" A voice called from behind her. She rolled her eyes and turned, "Russell. It's been a while"

"Why of course it has dear, I haven't seen you in quite some time! How's the family? Oh wait, you went off on your own, am I correct?" He chuckles darkly. She huffed and turned to move away, but he grabbed her arm, "wait a second there love, I'm not finished. Maybe we could catch up a little outside yes?"

"No, that isn't necessary" she tried pulling away, only his grip got tighter.

"Nonsense! Fresh air would do you good" Charlie sighed in defeat, letting herself be dragged away.
"She's here," the shadow grinned, eyes narrowing

"Oh is she? Well, lead the way"

The shadow grinned, moving away. Alastor followed gracefully, to a large set of doors. What he saw, made something in him snap. He growled lowly, walking towards the pair

I'm sorry about not being here! I hope you are all safe and indoors, finding something to do! I'll try to get back on track!


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