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I'll be making a discord server for everyone to come in. You can chat, send me fanart, give me requests, and more! I might actually make one shots for you too.  I'll be posting it in my announcements, so keep an eye out for that!

Sorry this chapter is short. I have to make up school work but I'll try to make a longer one when I can. Until then, enjoy!

Lilith came back downstairs with a smile on her face, and that raised questions.

"Oh, Nothing, dear. Seems Charlie is working hard to keep this hotel in good shape."

Maybe friends with benefits?

"That's good! Is my baby's hand okay?"

"Yes, of course. The Radio Demon himself is caring for her. I say she's in good hands"

"Good hands?! My sweet, The Radio demon could kill her with one swipe of the hand!"

"But I believe she has seen to soft side--"

"There is no soft side!" Lucifer sighed, slouching over. He knew well not to trust Alastor. He wanted Charlie to avoid him at all costs. But it seems she did not listen.

"Honey, it'll all be okay. Harold and Charlie can have some alone time later and---"

"WHAT?!" They all turned to see Charlie on the bottom of the staircase, Alastor behind her. She stepped down and walked towards her mother, "I am going nowhere near that- that-" she looked back at him and saw him winked, and it sent a shiver down her spine. Not a good shiver either. She swallowed, "you have no idea what he put me through. I am not doing it again."

"Oh, Charlie dearest, people change." Harold walked up to her and grinned. She backed away into Alastor, who held onto her shoulders, "I believe she does not want to associate with you, old friend"

Harold laughed, watching her like a hawk, "I believe she doesn't have a choice"

"Or else what?"

"Or else something bad might happen to your precious little Charlie" He laughed.

Charlie bit her lip. She looked over to her parents, who weren't paying any attention to this exchange and chatting with Vaggie. Tears brimmed her eyes as he spoke again, "what's the matter? Hell's happy little princess isn't so happy anymore?"

That was the day she finally snapped.

All her life, she tried to remain happy. Live up to everyone's expectations. But This.

She wanted him dead. She wanted to rip out his heart and watch him die.

She smiled, but it was different. Fangs appeared in her mouth as her eyes were red. Horns began to protrude from her head. Harold took a step back. But it did no good. She lunged at him and took him to the floor, catching everyone's attention. She was suddenly thirsty for..for..

For blood.

She grinned as she began clawing at him, punching, choking. The screams were distant, and it was getting harder to punch. Soon, she was in the air. Being held by strong red arms as she thrashed around, wanting to get back to the now bleeding Harold. But that only made the hands hold her tighter. Soon, everything came back to her. She could see the hotel and everyone in it, and hear their voices too.

"Harold! Oh brother, are you okay"

"Charlotte, what has gotten into you?!"

"Yo that was badass"

"Shut the hell up Angel!"

"Charlie" she looked up as one voice was calm to see Alastor looking at her, with an amused look on his face. "What was that all about?"

Before she could answer, Harold spoke up, "This hotel is a joke. You all are a joke. And you" he pointed at Charlie, "you're a monster. I don't what what the fuck I saw in you in the first place." He touched his face and flinched.

Charlie was breathing fast. Monster. She stepped back a few times, only to bump into Alastor again. She turned around, looking like a deer in headlights. I'm a monster. I'm just like these low, disgusting sinners. "Charlie" a voice called her, but she didn't hear it. She was already running out the door, tears brimming her eyes.

Back at the hotel, a man dressed in red was decided if Harold should die quick and painless, or slow and excruciating. The way he grinning at the door in accomplishment had decided his fate.

I'll have to take him to a special place. Maybe the sweet little Charlie can help me.

Thats all for now! Until next time

Stay tuned

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