Cat Out Of the Bag

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Art credit goes to nera_27

Alastor swallowed and looked away from the demon in front of her. What is wrong with her? Wasn't she a lesbian?

"I'm afraid I can't do that Misty. See, I'm already in a relationship with the beloved owner".

Misty rolled her eyes, "have a little fun. It can be our little secret..."

Alastor didn't feel right about this. There was a feeling in the pit of his stomach, and he remembered it from when he was alive.

Anger, disgust.

"I will not cheat on my Charlie." He said curtly, looking her in the eyes.

What the hell am I saying? We aren't a thing! You only play with her, she's nothing to you!

"Oh, but I'm sure she would with you~" she gave him a toothy grin. Alastor's smile faltered in anger.

"She hasn't".

"I'm sure she already has. Think about it. She's the Princess of Hell. She could get anyone with that cheerful smile of hers."

Alastor growled, but said nothing. He tried to take a deep breath to keep the jealous pot from overflowing.  She can have anyone. She isn't mine.

Alastor got up and cleared his throat. "I believe you should take your leave. We will discuss more later"

Misty got up slowly and walked out, winking at him. He slammed to door after her and sat back down, rubbing his eyes. He laid his head down in his arms and drifted off to sleep.

"Oh come on Al, have some fun!" A girl with blonde hair and beautiful eyes stood in front of him, grabbing his hand and gently pulling him. He couldn't help but laugh. She was absolutely adorable, even when she hated to admit it.

"I'm coming dear, I'm coming" he grinned wider when she turned to look at him. Only, he did not see the girl of his dreams when he was alive.

It was Charlie.

There was a shriek and a bang. He looked and Charlie was on the floor, clutching her arm. She cried when she removed her blood filled hand and looked at Alastor with panic in her eyes. There was a louder bang and Charlie was down. As Alastor stood looking at her, realization filled him. Tears began to run as fast as the blood seeping out of her corpse as he tried to shake her awake. "Charlie wake up. Princess, please."

"NO!" He shot up, sweating. He took a couple deep breaths, raking his hair back, looking around.

How did I get in my room?

There was suddenly a knock on his door, startling him. He sat up straight, "come in"

In came Charlie and Husk, who had a glass of water and a cold rag for him.

Charlie spoke first, "oh good, you're awake. You fell asleep in your office, so Husk helped me get you to bed." She sat next to him and put a hand to his forehead, but furrowed her brows. Looking him in the eyes, she kissed his forehead and sighed.

"You're right Husk. He's feverish."

"You has to kiss him to figure it out?" He grunted, walking towards his bed and set the glass down all the while eyeing Charlie.

"It's more effective that way. I used to use that on Vaggie when she'd get sick."

Husk said nothing more and shrugged, giving Alastor a white pill, "take this. It'll help with your headache" Alastor said noting and took the pill, all the while eyeing Charlie

Would that really happen?

Why do you care? She's nothing.

She's not 'nothing'.

"Why don't you guys wait for me downstairs? I'll be down in a jiffy, I need to clean up a bit"

Charlie's eyes filled with concern but she nodded. "Okay. Come on Husk."

"Just a second. I need to talk to him." Charlie smiled softly can closed the door, leaving them alone. There was an uncomfortable silence between them.

"What exactly is your motive here?"

Alastor looked up at Husk, who had his arms crossed and a scold on his face. He laughed.

"Oh dear friend, how do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. I know you're using her, but" Husk looked away and swallowed, "she's a good kid. Don't ruin her."

"How can I ruin someone who enjoys being toyed with? She hasn't stopped me once."

"Does she know she's being toyed with?"

Alastor took a second to think, "hmm, I guess not."

"And when are you going to stop toying with her heart?"

Alastor laughed at this, like Husk just said the funniest joke in the universe, "I plan to not let her know. That is, until I get into the royal family."

Husk's eyes widened, "are you shitin' me?!"

Alastor's smile widened as he raised an eyebrow.

"All this shit so you can be king? Are you insane? You will die before that happens."

"I'll just have to fight Lucifer for it then." Alastor shrugged, getting up and walking towards the door.

"Al. Have you forgotten Charlie is Princess of Hell? She may not see it yet, but she is more powerful than you are".

Alastor's smile fell slightly as his grip tightened on the knob. "Well all the more reason to marry her" As soon as he open the door, his eyes widened.

Was...Charlie there the whole time?

"So everything. Was just so you can get the throne?" She looked at him with tears in her eyes. Her eyes took him back to his dream hours before, how hurt and scared she looked.

She wore the same expression.

"Now Darling—" he reached for her but she took a step back.

"No. Don't not call me that." She looked at him with sheer hatred, a face Alastor has never seen. "You are to be out of this hotel by tomorrow."


Charlie put a hand up, silencing him, "no. Get out." She looked up at him, eyes a deep crimson, "I hate you."

Alastor could've sworn his heart stopped for a second time.

He felt heavy, his stomach knotting up. He looked at her, his smile completely gone.

Husk pushed past him to Charlie, glaring at him. "Come on Princess. Let's get you downstairs."

"Charlie?" Alastor watched her turn, but felt himself be pushed when she lifted her hand. She turned to look at him one last time. "I wish I never met you"

When she slammed the door, he sat there, numb.

"Tsk tsk. You're being weak. Forget the girl. She was nothing." The shadow came behind him, grabbing his shoulders. Alastor got up and sat on his bed.

"Now now" it grabbed his chin, "this is no way to behave."

"What are you talking about?" He snapped, the shadow never moving.

"Aren't you the most powerful demon in hell? Act like it".

Alastor rolled his eyes before getting up, looking around. "I guess it's time to pack"

A/N: I've decided to take this fanfic to the next level. It will get sad, and I'll be sure to add some side love stories. 'Love' meaning 'smut' 😉

I've decided to allow fanart for this book. nera_27 is drawing something for me, but it shouldn't all be on her! Show me art! I don't mind at all :D

I'll be updating soon! Until then...

Stay Tuned~

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