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This gets weird. Just enjoy. This is all happening for a reason.

"You....want me..." he swallowed, "to fuck you?"

Charlie nodded, biting her lip.

Alastor got up and paced, "Charlie, as much as I would, I can't. You're drunk. You won't remember anything"

"I will though" she pouted. Alastor simply shook his head, and stopped pacing to look at her, "I want you to remember when I do."

"What are you--" she got interrupted when he gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Charlie darling, I'm afraid I'm in love with you. But I cannot show you affection until you are available. It just isn't right."

Charlie nodded, understanding.

Good. She's buying it.

"I guess you have a point. Vaggie would kill us." She laughed.

Alastors smile grew, "indeed she will. Get some rest. I'll check on you later to see if you've sobered up a bit."

With that, he left her in her room and closed the door, leaving her to grab the book of pleasure and reread the male section, studying it.


"Oh look. Goody goody is finally up" Angel looked up as Charlie came stumbling in, holding her head.

"Damn it. Fucking hangovers" she grumbled, sitting next to Vaggie on the sofa and laying her head in the lap. Vaggie pet her head, "see? That's why I tell you not to drink."

"I guess..." Charlie looked around and spotted Alastor sitting there with his chin in his hand, looking at her. She went red and sat up, "I uh ...have plan! I'll be in my office" and she rushed off. Angel looked at Alastor confused, and he simply got up and shrugged. I believe Niffty will be needing my assistance upstairs. Until I come back, I bid you adieu." He teleported out, leaving Angel, Vaggie and Husk in the room.

"What the hell.." Vaggie slumped, putting her head on the table.

"Oh relax toots."

Vaggie glared daggers at the spider, "how can I? Do you see the way they look at each other?"

Angel swallowed and looked at her, "I'm sure it's nothing. Don't get your panties in a twist from something that isn't true."

Vaggie sighed, "I guess you're right.."

They all froze when a crash was heard, followed by radio static and a screech. They rushed upstairs to find Charlie pinned to the wall by Alastor, by her wrists. He looked like he was struggling, and Charlie...

Oh Charlie...

She stood there, blood was on her lip, and her face was red and puffy.

She was crying.

"What did you do?" Vaggie asked Alastor right away, confusing him.

"I did nothing to the Princess!" He looked at Angel and he raised an eyebrow. Angel snickered.

"Well you obviously did something" Vaggie snapped.

"C'mon Vag, you gotta believe him"

"Not until I understand what happened to my girlfriend"

**minutes before**

Charlie say at her desk, flustered. She remembered every event from when she was drunk.

"Charlie, I'm afraid I'm in love with you"

She bit her lip nervously. Did he really love me? Did he mean it? Then she began to smirk, why wait? He's up here with me, maybe I can sneak in and get a small taste of what he has.

"Oh Alastor~" she called out, opening the door to find a startled Alastor. He raised an eyebrow.

She came towards him seductively, "I'm getting hungry"

"Charlie, we spoke about this--"

"Al..." her horns were out, and she looked like she wanted to eat him up.

"Charlotte, snap or of it." Alastor grabbed her wrists, causing her to panic. She tried shaking him off, but he pinned her to the wall, knocking over a nearby vase as it crashed to the floor.

Everything froze.

Alastor's eyes stared into hers, and her own widened.

Good, she's coming back.

"what...?" Tears flooded her eyes. She looked at Alastors expression; worry hurt...


She sobbed. What the hell was wrong with her?

"Charlie, are you okay...?"

I need to get away.

This can't keep happening.

I need to keep this from happening again.

**Present Time**

"I need to go" she wiggled loose and rushed out, leaving them all more confused than they already were.

"We'll talk later." Vaggie ran after Charlie, "Hun wait!"

Angel simply stared at Alastor. "What the fuck"

Alastor simply held a grin, "no worries my friend. I got this all under control"

Let me know if your confused. I'll answer every question you have without giving away too much.

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