A way to stop the enemy

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We took a detour to Abstergo Industry building. The Templars had an army ready. Even when I kill the Grand Master, they'll still be a lot of Templars to deal with.

"You wanna go in by yourself?" Altaïr asked.

"I have to, even if I don't want to. It's my job as an Assassin." I answered.

The Assassins nodded and I went to the Templars' training building. There was nothing, but Templars in the place. Swordfighting, stealth, and a bunch of other skills being taught to them. I silently leaned up against a wall and listened in on their conversation.

"Train, train, train. That's all we do. When do we find action? When do we kill Assassins?" Said an impatient Templar.

"When you've improved your skills. Then you can find the enemy." Said his training coach.

I got out of hiding and stood in front of them. They jumped, and quickly drew out weapons.

"FINALLY!!!!!! An Assassin to kill!" The impatient Templar shouted and charged at me. I easily dodge his attack, and slit his throat. He fell bleeding out on the floor.

"One question: how do you and the rest of your Templar buddies know when the Assassins are here? I know you're using something." I explained.

"The Observatory Skull." Answered another Templar, that seemed like he ran the place.

The Observatory Skull. It can track anyone, as long as you have your target's blood. It shows a vision of what the target can see through their eyes.

"Who's blood?" I asked.

"The Traitor. We took it from him when we attacked him at his home." The Templar answered.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"What makes you think I'd tell you?" He asked.

I drew out the Sword. It's golden, first civilization look, was incredible. The Templars charged. I quickly sliced one's shoulder, another's neck, and stabbed the final one in the heart. When they were all dead, I pressed forward.

There it was, The Skull. It was literally a dead skeleton head. The middle of its skull had a cubed shaped place where you set the cube full of blood, and watch it find your target. It was protected by thousands of Templar guards. I was ready I used the Sword and destroyed all of the enemies. The sword made it easier to deal with enemies. Too easy, I wanted a challenge.

I grabbed the skull and some cubes with names of Templars. I was getting tired of dealing with extra Templars and not dealing with the Grand Master. With the skull, it was gonna be easier.

Heading out the building, I discussed with everyone on what to do.

"The Observatory Skull! Good job getting it mate." Edward said.

I set the cube that said the Grand Master's name, Daniel Killer. I saw that he was sitting there, waiting for me to come.

"I need you guys to deal with these nine other people while I end this." I explained.

"Yes mentor." All of the Assassins said.

"I'm giving you your weapons that you're familiar with." I said and handed out the weapons. The Apple and Sword of Eden and the Observatory Skull.
"Bring them peace. Here, headsets to contact me once you're done." I said.

"It shall be done." They said and left. I was about to deal with the master.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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