Chapter 8

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Friday came, and Jimin was stuck listening to Yoongi argue with their father about him riding out to speak with Taehyung. They were having breakfast, and Jimin pushed his eggs around on his plate as he moped. They'd been at each others throats for two days, and he was tired of hearing it.

"I could make a difference in the outcome," Yoongi said. "You won't listen to your advisors, and you won't listen to your sons. There is too much at stake for you to be this reckless."

"My word is final, and it is law." Jeonghoon was surprisingly calm throughout the duration of Yoongi's meltdowns. "You have no reason to ride out into the wetlands."

"That's where they're looking for her?" Jimin asked, perking up. "They'd be searching for her body."

The wetlands were neutral territory. It was unlivable, and they didn't offer much as far as resources. Why Taehyung thought she'd end up there was beyond him.

"The boy knows nothing of these lands anyway," Jeonghoon continued. "He will get himself killed in the process. There's no need to worry."

"But then we will have to answer to Seojun, father. Who knows what other information Seojun even has. I'm certain he knows we have Eunjin, and Eunjin advised this was likely part of his plan." Yoongi stopped a moment to take a bite of bacon. "There's a lot more under the surface. I don't think Eunjin is completely guilty here."

Jimin was surprised at how much Yoongi was telling their father. He couldn't tell if it was out of idiocy or sheer desperation. Jimin watched his father mull over Yoongi's words, and he noticed a slight panic in Yoongi.

So Yoongi hadn't meant to say all of that.

His father addressed Jimin. "What have you discovered of the spy?"

Jimin shrugged. "Just as much as you have. She claims she doesn't know who was leaving the letters. They weren't even handed to her. I've questioned Seokjin extensively, but I have complete faith it wasn't him."

The king nodded. "I also have complete faith. What of those that traveled with him?"

Jimin shook his head. "Different every time. I'm worried it may be someone paying different guards off. There could be several at fault."

Jimin was thankful for Eunjin's drunken lies. This made it easier for him to lie as well.

"I see. I feared this would be the case." He cleared his throat and looked at Yoongi. "You ride out Monday morning."

And that was that. Jimin and Yoongi both left breakfast satisfied and going in different directions the way they always did. These past couple of days, however, they met around the back of the palace in order to discuss their next steps. To be able to go riding out to Taehyung was a relief, but it happening so soon after the wedding would cause them both concern for Eunjin.

When Jimin found Yoongi, he was already pacing and mutter small curses under his breath. It was likely he expected more time to prepare and more time with Eunjin.

"You'll wear out the floors," Jimin called out. "What have they done to you?"

Yoongi spared him a brief glance and went back to pacing. "I need to see her."

Jimin sighed. "You know neither of us can see her right now. The dungeons are guarded. You will see her tomorrow."

"She must be frightened." He sounded pained, and Jimin wanted to punch him.

"She did this to herself, and you know that. No one talks to father like that."

"It doesn't change that she is in the dungeons. She may have acted out, but she is still allowed to be afraid." Yoongi's nostrils flared, and he aggressively pointed at the ground after each word. "I wanted her to be comfortable. She is royalty, and you should know all about that."

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