Chapter 15

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She and Yoongi waited patiently for the shouting to stop from outside the door. They were just staring at each other, and he frowned when she flinched at Seokjin's words.

When the fighting ended, he stepped to her. She didn't move away this time.

"I am sorry for being angry and taking it out on you," he said. "It's something I've been holding in, and I let it get the best of me."

"You cannot hold these things in. You have to talk to me." She shook her head when he went to say something else. "If you had concerns about the stairwell, I would have told you he was only there to comfort me."

"It's not just the stairwell, Eunjin. He is special to you, and that you cannot even deny. You do not see the two of you as I do." He stepped even closer to her and held her hands. "I just want it to be us, but he is there and always will be."

She leaned up and kissed him softly. "If you have to leave, I do not want to fight or discuss Jimin."

She made the fast decision that whatever had happened with Jimin before would be a secret she buried into the depths of her very being that no one would ever dig out. She was married to Yoongi, and her infidelity would destroy them both.

"I never told you I love you," Yoongi said. "I thought this was something you weren't ready to hear, or maybe I just could not bear it knowing you'd never say it back." He placed his forehead against hers, and she fought to not think of Jimin. Not now, not like this. "But if I'm going away again to fight in a losing battle, I need you to know that I do."

She kissed him again, and he deepened it. He pushed her gently back against the wall until she was pinned, and his hands ran up her sides in an urgent desperacy.

"I'm sorry," he said as he pulled away. "You don't deserve any of my anger."

"If you're going to yell, direct it away from me," she said softly. "We do not need to yell to express our emotions to each other."

"Yes, princess," he whispered against her lips. "Please stop me if I hurt you."

He wrapped her legs around his waist, and she threaded her fingers into his hair. Being with Yoongi was like sitting in the middle of a blaze of wild fires that left her sweating and desperate for relief.

He carried her to the sofa, but fear gripped her. Terrifying images flashed behind her eyes.

"Not here," she said.

"I see my error," he said quickly. He moved away and into their bedroom where he laid her on the bed.

Her legs were hanging off of the edge, and she watched him pull his shirt off and untie his pants. He lifted her up next and reached around to begin untying the back, cursing all the while about how much he hated lace back dresses.

When it was untied and loosened enough, he pulled her to stand to help her remove the dress. He worked her wrappings off, and then he was pushing her back onto the bed the way he was before.

He remained standing, but he leaned over her to kiss her again. He kissed the bruises on her face before working his way down to kiss the breast that was still very much bruised.

He leaned back and stared down at her, admiring her. "Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?"

"I'm fine," she whispered. "Keep going."

He lifted one of her legs and placed it on his shoulder before sucking on two of his fingers and pushing them inside her. He'd never done that before, and that added even more flames to the already spreading wild fire.

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