Chapter 10

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Each night she was forced to dine with Hyerin and her family. She was only allowed half a glass of wine in fear of another outburst, but she longed for more. Hyerin was absolutely terrible, and her father was absolutely stupid. Why King Jeonghoon chose her was beyond her and Jimin.

Court was even worse. It was a free for all with Hyerin and her friend's back handed compliments, but Eunjin was learning how to hold her own. It was the comment "bastard's wife" that kept her reeling, though, and Namjoon had to hold her skirts to keep her from attacking Hyerin.

When she wasn't in court, Jungkook would take her and her books out to the garden. She studied each plant, and she could name a few by memory along with their Latin names. She could point out which ones could be used in medicine and which ones were dangerous despite similarities, and every time she shared new information with Jungkook, he began grumbling about how little he cared. She could tell that he was secretly impressed.

It had been two weeks since Yoongi left when she received her first letter. They were in court when the courier arrived, and he quickly handed her the letter along with handing the king his own correspondence before leaving.

She tore it open without noticing the court stopped to watch her.

My dearest Eunjin,

There isn't much news to share with you. It's been raining a lot which is annoying, and Hoseok and Seokjin are even worse than the rain.

How has court been? Do you hate it as much as I do? If you find yourself hungry, bother Namjoon. He always has snacks. Tell his mother I said hello. She is very kind and very wise. She's great company to keep.

Is Prince Jimin treating you well? I would find it absolutely hilarious if his match was Lady Hyerin. Although, it would also be less funny. We'd have to deal with her for the rest of our lives. Please tell me it's not Lady Hyerin.

I hope to be home to you soon. I'd like to return to a happy wife, so keep your spirits high. You should visit the library.

Try your best not to murder Jungkook. I had a dream about one of your arguments, and although I found it funny, it left me a little worried. You claim to have a soft temper, but I heartily disagree.

Lay off the wine at dinner. I don't want to return and discover you were sent to the dungeons again.

Stay safe.

All my love,

She folded the letter back and held back her smile. She missed him, and that surprised her.

Jimin cleared his throat and held out his hand for the letter. She held it tightly to her chest.

"This is private, Prince Jimin. For all you know, he could be describing me in great detail." She was satisfied when he grimaced and dropped his hand.

She did find Miyoung, though, and she read her the letter.

"So I'm good company?" She was smiling. "He's a sweet boy."

"I'm offended he didn't mention me," Lady Areum said sniffing. "I thought him better."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll be in his next letter," Eunjin said with a laugh. "I'm glad to hear from him. I've been worried."

"Lady Eunjin," a voice boomed across the room. She turned to see the king standing at his throne. "I'd like to see you."

Miyoung squeezed her hand before reluctantly letting her go. Everyone watched her walk to the front of the room where she stopped before the king and curtsied.

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