Chapter 11

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She hadn't spoken to him since he confessed. Namjoon had returned just after, and Jimin quickly left. She hadn't come to dinner that night, and Namjoon had come only to advise the king that Eunjin had come down with a sickness.

She hadn't been at court either. The same excuses were made then too. It had lasted for the rest of the week, and even Hyerin was anxious about her absence.

"I do not know what exactly happened with her and Jungkook, but it must have been awful," she had told him that Friday.

"Yes, well, they fight a lot. It can get bad at times."

Court bustled around them, no one paying them any attention. The doors opened, and the courier came shuffling in. He went to the king first, but Jimin noticed he was looking around desperately.

He walked over to the courier, and the courier bowed. "My apologies, Prince Jimin. I'm looking for Lady Eunjin."

"She's ill," he said. "Is there a letter for her?"

The courier looked around to check for listening ears and eyed Hyerin suspiciously.

"Just tell me," he encouraged.

"Lord Yoongi has found her uncle," he said quickly. "And he is returning with a gift for her."

Jimin stepped back in shock. "Her uncle? Are you certain?"

"Absolutely certain of this, Prince Jimin."

"What of her cousin?"

"I cannot say," he whispered. "Lord Yoongi suspects something terrible."

"When will he return?" He gripped Hyerin's arm a little too tight in anticipation.

"He, Seokjin, and Hoseok are on horseback. I give them tomorrow or the day after." He bowed to Jimin and scurried off.

Jimin hardly had any time to think before his father was summoning him back to the front. He looked to Hyerin who was staring at him wide-eyed and confused.

"Lady Hyerin, I need to trust you to take everything you just heard to Namjoon and Lady Eunjin. If you can find Lord Jungkook, tell him as well. They are the only ones you will share this with, do you understand me?"

She nodded her head.

"Wonderful. You are now part of this family, and you are about to learn terrible things. I truly am sorry for everything you will come to know."

He sent her off before going to his father.

"May I ask where our Lady Hyerin went?"

"She is going to check on Lady Eunjin and tell her that the courier came by. There was no letter for her, but the courier confirmed Yoongi is safe. We both thought it would lift her spirits to know," Jimin explained. "What news do you have, father?"

"Your dear brother has come across a war, and they were ambushed."

"I beg your pardon?"

"He didn't explain to me exactly how this happened. He said I will come to know when he returns, and he wishes Lady Eunjin be present for his return. Whatever sickness ails her must be gone soon." His father leaned back in his chair. "We will have a call to arms when he returns, and this begs the question of your wedding day. I fear it may be just as rushed as your brother's."

"How soon?" He asked.

"Sunday. Thankfully her mother has already had her dress prepared for the occasion, and I've sent Ara to inform the kitchens of the feast. I'm dismissing court, and I need to summon Lady Eunjin and Lady Hyerin back here to go over our next steps." His father actually looked unnerved by everything.

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