History and Verity

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The Mystic falls gang would later learn that Elijah was infact, not so dead when he tore out the hearts of several young vampires who wished to deliver good ol' Elena to the big bad wolf. Avra would also groan on hearing about the horrible pun he made about being dead.

All this had brought her to an unfortunate crossroad in her life.

To kill or not to kill the Mystic falls townsfolk.

For daring to arrange such a ridiculous party to celebrate their own "history", the one built atop the skeletons of supernaturals and stained with blood. Hypocrites, all of them.

Nonetheless, such a foolish festivity still stood to benefit her. She could network with the town officials, get in the mayor's good graces, so that she might me more inclined to excuse a few "slips", perhaps. It would be overtly nonsensical, otherwise.

She slipped on an appropriate outfit and left the house. On arriving, she exchanged pleasantries with the new mayor and shared how excited she was to contribute to preserving the town's heritage, monetarily or otherwise. If the glint in Mrs. Lockwood's eyes at the mention of the fiscal, had been any indication, she assumed that she had been fairly successful.

While exploring the nooks and crannies of the old mansion, she came upon the incredibly fascinating scene of Elijah Mikaelson stabbing a pencil into Damon's neck and elegantly wiping the residual blood on a spotless handkerchief.

"You, young vampires, so arrogant." He muttered with distaste while Avra mouthed the lines at the same time, chuckling along. "How dare you come here and challenge me?"

Her lips lifted into an amused smile, one that went unnoticed by Damon.

He caught her eye and left the room, leaving Damon alone to cradle the broken pencil in his neck. Avra motioned him to follow her to a vacant room.

"Ten centuries." He began, "Ten centuries, I have known you, yet you manage to surprise me. Elusive as ever, I see." He said with a raspy laugh.

She only smiled mischievously in response.

"Why did you die, Avra?" He said, taking a more serene, serious tone.

She only remained silent in response.

"Why did you leave us? You promised, always and forever." His voice, now,of a broken man.

"Witches and their spells, darling."

Her words, seemed to smother him like they had centuries ago. They wrapped around his throat, with all the past years feeling like but whiplash with love crashing into him again. Struggling to utter coherently, he tried to ask her the how's and why's, the logistics of her return, dot the t's and cross the i's but failed miserably.

"I suppose I should rejoice, then. The Elijah Mikaelson is flabbergasted in my presence. I must be an enchanting one."

She said, with a playful smile playing on her face.

"It is a great honour, I assure you.Not many have lived to claim to be capable of that feat." said Elijah, regaining his bearings as he bantered with her.

"Well, thank you,mi'lord." She did a mock bow.

"Now, would you be so kind as to lead the way,fair lady. We best be on our way before the sun sets, wouldn't want to meet the creatures that lurk in the dark."

She burst into laughter at that.


Avra walked into the Salvatore boarding house. Damon and Alaric were lounging on their couches, drinking bourbon.

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