Heavy is the Head..

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Klaus regained consciousness as the sun's blinding rays illuminated his face. He looked around, overwhelmed and in awe when Elijah threw some clothes at him.

Now, a thousand year old hybrid, and one of the strongest on Earth.

No one would ever take anything he held dear again.

A thousand years late, but he always gets what he wants.

"You've been busy," Elijah remarked.

"How long has it been?"

"Almost two days," His face twitched in annoyance as he answered, "I had to clean up after your rampages."

"Just like the old days, brother." He mocked, taking his brother's support for granted.

Avra chose this moment to enter the conversation, her flair for dramatic entrances and coming out of the shadows having not receded.

"How are we doing today, gentlemen? Feeling all good and murdery?" She questioned chuckling, facing Klaus with a humored smile and exaggerated hand gestures.

"Now, that you're here, certainly."

"And you? Feeling alive, good sir?" She greeted Elijah, turning to face him.

"Oh, spare me the lifeless catching up, didn't you have time for that while I was breaking my bones." Klaus interrupted before he could answer.

"Oh, no. I disappeared as soon as you transitioned. I wasn't going to clean up your mess, that's more up his alley." Her thumb pointed in Elijah's direction.

Elijah only glared at him with exasperation,"Yes, now I believe we had a bargain. Reuniting me with our family."

"Even though you tried to murder me." He tensed up at this statement and Avra stepped forward in front of him protectively, she would fight either of them if she had to, no one from her family was dying that night. "Personally, I don't care much for fratricide either. If murdering family had been my life's motto, you all would have run out of heads already."

"Relax, brother. All is forgiven." It was out of character for Klaus to be this generous, but just this once, she chose to believe him. For their family. For always and forever.


"Damon's dying, Avra." A voice remarkably similar to Stefan's echoed from the phone.

She resisted the urge to cut the call immediately, "I'm sorry, who is this?"

"It's Stefan, Damon's brother. Tyler Lockwood, the werewolf, bit him. He's dying and he needs your help. If there's a cure tell me, I know we aren't close but he's your friend and you owe him that much."

"I owe you nothing." She snarled, and then tried to compose herself, "I'm sorry, I think you've got the wrong number. Please do not contact me again."

"You won't be left alive to if you do," was left unsaid.

Didn't he get the memo? She was ruthless and merciless, a monster. She didn't have friends, it had been a long time since she had. Good for him, he cared so much. Sometimes, she wished she didn't. It was a curse to try and repair something so relentlessly broken. Caring wasn't a choice for those like her with Klaus, so powerful and feared, with so many enemies.It was forced upon them by the remnants of their human lives.

After all, Caring only makes you weak and there was no power to be found in loving. But if she could do it all over again, she would choose her ragtag band of imperfections, in every lifetime. Always and Forever.


As she returned to the apartment, her gaze landed on the withering corpse of the once Elijah Mikaelson, with a dagger sticking out of his heart. And Klaus cradling him in his arms. His sadism bled through and he whispered in his ear, "I suppose, you're reunited now, brother."

If the horror in Elijah's dying eyes was any indication, he had heard it and the words had had their desired effect.

Avra's fury was another matter entirely. She saw red and pushed him into a choke hold against the wall. He certainly knew how to force her to go back on her words, to abandon them, to abandon him. Only minutes ago, she was dreaming of forever.

"Why?" She shrieked at him, "The man was prying for every remnant of your humanity, for your redemption. For God's sake, why do you always have to prove him wrong?"

Klaus struggled under her hold, clawing for air. Her adrenaline fueled strength would not let him go, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, after all.

"Now, you're the all-powerful hybrid. What's left? Why would you do this, you have your empire already but no one to rule with. You'll never change, will you."

She released him and turned her back to him. She would see his face no more. She threw her head back and started leaving the apartment but not without a final message for him.

"Consider keeping your head on your shoulders a courtesy. My last courtesy to you."

"Farewell, Be king. That's all you have left."

"You have no one."

He had no one.


Aaaand it's here! Avra has abandoned this family and it does not seem as if she wants to come back. The Mikaelsons are great but phew! do they do a lot of backstabbing, metaphorically and literally. Maybe, she's just done with the drama.

Also, What's your opinion of the Original Family?

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