Dessert and Daggers

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"Revenge over Klaus or Avra?"

Were you to ask Elijah Mikaelson this question, you would immediately have your heart ripped out. However, while he stood over your corpse, blood dripping from the heart in his grasp, He would whisper softly,

"Avra, a thousand times over. In every lifetime."


Hence, right now, he was deliberating canceling his entire plans of revenge and walking off into the sunset with Avra. He wasn't naive, life rarely gave second chances and if he spent it all hell-bent on revenge, instead of chasing happiness. It would be tragic. And he couldn't possibly bear losing her again.

As he and Avra explored the Fell lines, accompanying Ms. Sommers on a historical tour of the town for his book, such thoughts swarmed his mind. He had always loved her company and he didn't want anything to jeopardize that.

They were discussing the "founding of Mystic Falls" when Jenna introduced him to Alaric Saltzman, the friendly vampire hunter.The man was clearly threatened by him and felt the need to show dominance. Obviously, he wouldn't pursue Jenna but wanted to mock him.

"You're one of the people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect." He said smiling genially, when Ms. Sommers had gone to pick up a few surveys from her car.

"And so is Jenna." Alaric snarked back.

"You don't have to be jealous,I rarely pursue younger women." Elijah mocked, briefly glancing at Avra, who was completely disinterested in the conversation, with her attention enraptured by the rising horizon.

He smiled lightly at the inside joke.


That evening, Elijah told her that Damon and his girlfriend, Andie Starr were organizing a dinner party and had invited him. Obviously, it was a trap but they didn't know that if they tried anything,well, heads would roll.

She met Damon at the grill to secure an invitation for the party. She simply wouldn't show up uninvited, it was below her.

"Word around town is you're hosting a party, and you didn't invite me, how dare you?"

She said, mock offended as she sat down in front of him.

"I'm sure the invitation must have gotten lost in the mail." He countered immediately.

She punched his shoulder. "Ow, alright, fine." He relented, "Avra, you are cordially invited to the Salvatore boarding house for dinner."

"Thank you, Now, was that so hard?" She said patronizingly.

"Very." That earned him another punch in the shoulder.


Avra arrived at the door of the Salvatore Boarding house and was going to ring the bell when she was joined by Elijah. He was wearing a three piece suit and had put a significant amount of effort into his hair, clearly, in an attempt to impress someone.

"How do I look?" He asked her, fishing for a compliment.

"Not a day over thousand, darling." She said with a chef's kiss.

He chuckled and said, "You look beautiful, mi'amore." He offered her his hand, having been enamored with her for centuries now.

Unfortunately, she couldn't take his hand as Damon interrupted them, opening the door at that very moment.

TW:violence, graphic

The dinner had been going suprisingly well, excluding the childish feud between John and everyone else. Who even invited him?

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