Friday Night Bites

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She sped to the Salvatore boarding house, hoping she wasn't too late. All would have been in vain then.

Although she didn't want to show it, Stefan's words had struck a chord in her, especially after Klaus had pulled another one of his escapades. It made her wonder if she could truly build a family, a life outside of the Originals, where she could be happy. Maybe she was a thousand years late to do that. But it was yet another dangerous line of thought.

Friends weren't something Avra had, not anymore, at least. She didn't know how to behave or act.

This had propelled the realization that she didn't want Damon to die, at least not today, when she could save him. If he was going to die, it was going to be on her terms, and not at the mercy of fate.

She didn't want to see Klaus again, even momentarily, but the only cure to a werewolf bite was his blood, and if she wanted to save Damon, she'd have to tolerate his presence.

She had marched to Alaric's residence and swung the door open forcefully, any more force and the door would have detached from its hinges. Her eyes fell upon the scene before her, Stefan ripping through blood bags and the throats of some sorority girls, blood staining his mouth. The mad look in his eyes thoroughly contradicted the feeble voice of reason in his mind that despised his monstrous nature. His guilt for the suffering he caused only multiplied with every drop of blood he shed but the Ripper would not be stopped, he wasn't a monster for no reason, after all. Katerina looked over him with an expression akin to pity and Klaus only smirked, much like the tyrant and overlord being that he was, the joy he gained from being superior to them radiating from every pore.

As he recognized her presence, a multitude of emotions passed through his mind and he briefly lost his composure. He didn't expect that she'd come back. He immediately schooled his expression into his perpetual smirk, he couldn't show any sign of weakness in front of Stefan and Katerina.

Katerina Petrova was a survivor, who'd been running from his family for centuries, she'd use anyone and everyone to gain the upper hand against him. Avra wasn't a weakness though, he knew as much and he was sure Katherine did too, but he couldn't let her see him rattled.

From Stefan's perspective on the other hand, right now, he had murdered the love of his life in front of him. He was sure he hated the very ground he walked upon, with his memories compelled away, at least. It had been a small mercy to not make him watch as he drained her blood and the life left her eyes. Not that Stefan appreciated it.

"Back so soon?" He questioned, a false edge of mocking in his tone.

"I need a vial of your blood." She said directly, unwilling to engage in any small talk. Time was of the essence.

Her hardened eyes met the shock-laced face of Stefan Salvatore who was sprawled on the floor.

"Make whatever deal you will with his brother," She said carelessly, "It's none of my concern."

She wished to save Damon's life, she couldn't care less about Stefan. It wasn't as if Klaus would kill him either. He was too attached to his supposed "brother", the Ripper of Monterrey, for that.

Before Klaus could react further, she picked up a knife off the kitchen counter and stabbed him in his hand. Blood dripped from his wound into a vial she had placed under him.

It was some level of repayment for Elijah, at least.

She'd have preferred to stab him in a more vital location but it would have been inconvenient to collect the blood.

After the vial was filled, he reacted dramatically, as if he would faint from the blood loss, and pressed his wrist near his heart. The wound had closed up already.

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