Death and Resurrection

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"Zdravei Katerina, I have missed you."

Avra said, trailing her finger softly along the side of Katherine's face.

A shiver spread down Katherine's spine at how remarkably similar the motion was to Klaus.

Avra had returned to Alaric's house after briefly stepping out to clear her head. Thankfully, there had been no mishaps and Klaus was successfully transferred out of the bad hairdo and into his own body. He would wake up soon, thus, for the meanwhile, Avra had taken it upon herself to torture Katherine, mentally or otherwise.

"Well, well, look who's alive," Avra jeered, turning her attention away from Katerina, when Klaus woke up. He hadn't wanted to disturb her and had quietly admired her as she tormented the girl.

"Guilty as charged," He held up his hands in mock surrender.

She laughed at his antics.

"Finally?" Her tone changing, Avra stared at Klaus, her eyes wistful, tired but hopeful.


He reassured, it being unclear whether they were discussing his curse being broken, their family's reunion or the other pitiful Shades of Eternity that life had dealt them.


Alaric and Damon were lounging at the Mystic Grill, drinking their misery away. Ironically, they were miserably failing at it.

Alaric's girlfriend and Elena's aunt, Jenna had been tormented by Klaus when he was in his body. She was now aware of the supernatural and now wanted nothing to do with the man after his betrayal.

Damon, on the other hand, had forcefully fed Elena his blood, rendering Elijah's proposed method of bring her back after the ritual useless. He did not trust the man and now she would suffer for it. He wasn't necessarily in love with her but Stefan was, and though he may hate him for it, he made the choice that Stefan was too afraid to. Elena would be alive, and for a vampire, Eternity was a long time, She would eventually come around the idea.

They had made their own beds and had to lie in it. If only, they had retained their sensibilities and remembered that other people also had the right to choose.

"Gentlemen," Damon turned around, "Why so glum?" Klaus asked, faking concern.

"Thanks for the loaner, mate." He added, glancing at Alaric.

"Ugh, Klaus, I presume." Damon said, "I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement, by any chance, huh."

His eyes darkened, anger brimming underneath at the mere thought of a disruption.

The sky was darkening, the grim night would soon set in and Klaus Mikaelson would be the hybrid he was forever meant to be, and no one would stop him, balance of nature be damned. He had waited for over a thousand years for this moment, with everything he had ever wanted at the tip of his grasp, No one would ruin this for him, especially not a few love-sick idiots.

"Let me be clear. I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow, don't screw it up."

He enunciated threateningly.

His already burning hatred for the man since the decade dance, only intensifying.

He knew they were capable of causing him no harm. He and Avra could rip them to shreds in their sleep.


Elijah Mikaelson was going to murder his brother.

Although trepidation swarmed his mind, he knew he had to do it.

He was but a man who would do anything for family, no less than a monster, then. Well, such were the Salvatores too, for Ms. Gilbert, although they couldn't compare. He knew that they could never be together again, Niklaus had made sure of that.

But he still intended to fight for them till the last breath, whether that may be his or Klaus's.

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