Dances with Death

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"This is for Avra." Dana, a junior, announced over the microphone.

"Klaus sends his love."

She dropped the bomb as a sappy, romantic song started playing on the loudspeaker.

Avra looked in Alaric's direction to find him smirking, looking pleased with himself. He found her eyes and looked at her expectantly, fishing for a compliment at his ingenious idea. He had alerted the gang of his presence,rattled and put them on edge and brought himself further into her good graces, all in one.

She only chuckled at him and pushed forward into the crowd. He joined her as they navigated the bustling crowd to approach Damon and the others.

"What,so, That romantic declaration of love in the midst of this beautfiul party filled with sweaty, hormonal teenagers and spiked punch didn't make you want to fall into his arms?" He said, mockingly, pretending to be astonished with comically widened eyes.

"You're just impossible to please." She nudged him in the ribs with her elbow.

"That was a lame, cheap shot. He just wants to bait us." Damon added unhelpfully, forcing them to focus on him.

"I know everyone here." Elena muttered.

"Maybe, he's not here, just wants us to believe that he is," said Stefan.

"Blend in, people. Go, dance." Damon shooed them away.

Klaus offered Avra his hand once they were at a safe distance from them, bowing slightly"My lady, may I?"

She curtsied and accepted his greeting, offering her own hand in return, with all the manners of a lady.She was one, after all.

He placed a light kiss on it and complimented her, "You look exquisite, love."

She narrowly resisted the urge to offer an, "I know," and instead chose to

counter with praise as well, "Thank you, and you look..."

She trailed off, trying to identify the right words to describe the unfortunate attire he was donning as they waltzed along the floor of the gym, her hand on his shoulder while his on her waist. Her silence spoke volumes and Klaus was made aware of her opinion. He let out a loud laugh at that.

"Well, I truly didn't expect better. Couldn't dress too sharply as a lousy school teacher, after all. Can't have you falling in love with me in some random hunters' body now, can we?" He said confidently.

She only smiled faintly as they swung along to the soft hum of the music.

She was about to lean her head on his shoulder, but thought better of it as she saw Damon eyeing them strangely from the distance. Niklaus followed her gaze and was incredibly irritated at the elder Salvatore for ruining the moment, again. Rage filled his eyes at the sight of the disruptive element.

God have mercy on him, because when Niklaus got his hands on the man, he certainly wouldn't.


Avra was about to casually rip out a student's heart and Damon about to stake another, when Stefan's pleas briefly irritated her enough to stop. She tossed the teen back on the ground and gave Stefan an unimpressed look.

Stefan had ushered her and Damon into a hallway to save Elena's brother, Jeremy, who was being beaten up by two clearly compelled teenagers. Obviously, it was a part of Klaus's plan and thus, she had waved at him for confirmation before exiting the main dance hall. He had nodded in confirmation, asking her to proceed.

She wanted to ask him if he would be okay or needed her for backup as he was in a fragile, human body. While Avra didn't want to blow her cover, she would put it on the line for him. He was Niklaus Mikaelson, the big bad vampire, and would be able to take care of himself, yet she couldn't cease her worrying.

"Honestly Stefan, you need to be clear, do you want my help or not?"

"Stop wasting my time if you don't even require manslaughter. A favor for a favor, remember, I don't work for free."

"This is just a distraction, Klaus has Elena." He responded hurriedly, to not lose her attention.

"Your point being?" She tapped her foot impatiently.

He didn't respond and started rushing towards the door.

Meanwhile, Alaric i.e. Klaus successfully manipulated Elena and Bonnie into stepping away from their Salvatore bodyguards with an excuse about Jeremy being in danger, which he was, technically. However, with his flair for the dramatic, he had to torture Elena a bit more mentally as she was cornered.

"I just had to get away from the dance.The sixties. Ugh."

"I much prefer the twenties. You know, the style, the jazz, the music."

He said, scaring them.

Elena reasonably concluded that he had been compelled by a vampire. However, she was wrong.

"I'll give you a hint. I'm not Alaric."

He said, tauntingly,scaring the living daylights out of them as the young witch, Bonnie stepped in front protectively as Elena cowered behind her. The girl had successfully acquired the power of a hundred dead witches but power always has a price and thus, she couldn't channel it without exhausting herself to death.

Bonnie thrust her hand forward, her magic pulsing as she slammed him against the lockers. He groaned in pain as the window beside him shattered, the shards of glass ripping his skin.

They took their chance to run while he was down.

He did not chase after them, the girl would come on her own, she cared too much for Elena and that would be her downfall.

However, she did not know that he did not care about Elena then, she was his target that night.

He dusted his pants and rose up confidently.

One by one, he would take all of them down. It was only a matter of time.


Bonnie knew that Klaus was ruthless and would do anything to fulfill his goal. Bodies would fall in Mystic Falls and she was ready to be one of them, if it meant that her friends would be safe, Klaus would not get to win that night.

She would make sure of it, whatever the consequences.

With this thought in mind, she pushed open the gym doors to find Alaric leaning against a chair. She broke his wrist and started attacking him. The man had a few protection spells placed on him, which made him arrogant. He thought that they would not be able to murder their favorite history teacher but he was wrong, apparently, the greater good prevailed first and saving Elena was the greater good.

Bonnie's nose started bleeding yet she relentlessly kept fighting him till her cheeks were caked with blood. She smiled sadly at her friends, having known the end before it even began.

And that night, as Bonnie Bennet drew her last breath, so did Klaus Mikaelson.

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