Beyond the graves

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Klaus was dead and she knew it.

A life for a life, that was always the fair exchange.

Avra tugged lightly at her dress, her heartbeat rapidly increasing with a slight pang. She had felt the life leave him.At least, he would be coming back. She flashed to the gym corridor, uncaring of the crowd around her, and pushed open the doors to grab his body before anyone could comprehend the situation.

In heels, she traversed the halls of Mystic Falls High with Klaus in her arms. She kicked open the door to Alaric's apartment and laid him down on the sofa gently. She faced Maddox, his witch, and whisper-yelled at him, "Get him out of this body, Now."

"I'd need five hours."

"You have one." She said, raising her finger, "And if you don't do it by then, I don't think I even need to tell you about what I would do. Glad we understand each other," She patted him on the shoulder patronizingly and walked 0ff.


Meanwhile, one Elena Gilbert rose from her bed, made sur ethat Stefan was asleep and made her way down to the Salvatore basement. She immediately turned her eyes away at the wretched sight of Elijah Mikaelson's desiccated body, his clothes charred, flesh burnt, and his skin grey with protruding veins. Yet, your attention would be immediately drawn to the more disturbing sight, the silver dagger lodged in his heart.

She tiptoed lightly to him and with a deep breath, clutched it in her grasp and yanked it out. She sat down on a nearby chair, the only one left untainted by blood and twirled the dagger in her hand as she waited for him to wake up.

About half an hour later, Elijah Mikaelson returned to the land of the living with a sudden gasp.His body contorted at awkward angles as he stood up. Elena stepped back in fear.

His hands flew to his throat as he fell down on the ground, unable to breathe.

"What's happening?"

He muttered anxiously as he tried to rush forward but crashed into a wall. Elena did nothing to help him.

He flashed outside the house and his airway opened up again. He tried gulping down mouthfuls of air as Elena followed after him.

"You can't be here, you haven't been invited in." The realization dawned on her.

As soon as he had recovered, he rushed to attack her but slammed against the invisible barrier preventing him from entering the house. He couldn't physically harm her as long as she was inside so he tried to compose himself.

She shushed him and pointed towards the ceiling, indicating that the Salvatores were unaware of her stunt and she wished to keep them in the dark. The girl had the nerve to insult him so, repayment for their actions was in order.

An unwise decision on her part, to be alone with an Original, not that the young vampires were much of a threat to him either.

He stared down at his burnt clothing in disgust, his resentment for the girl only growing further.

His first thought on awaking had been Avra but obviously he couldn't meet her in his tarnished attire. It would be below him to do so. She only deserved the best after all. Yet, he had let her down time after time. He had seen the sadness that permeated her eyes when he was daggered, it disappointed him that he was the cause of her hurt.

"Can I trust you?" Elena asked him. The audacity in her voice astonished him, how could she feel entitled to his trust when she had literally stabbed him.

"Can I trust you?" He threw back, anger brimming in his voice.

She seemed to realize the state of the situation and offered the dagger in her hand as a show of faith.

Elijah, albeit a bit shocked, accepted it. It was the bare minimum really, if she did not want him to murder her on the spot, Klaus be damned.

Elena led him towards her car, where they could talk freely. His first priority was to feed and acquire an outfit that was more suited for him. Luckily, she had a few blood bags in her car that he sipped on the way to Mrs. Lockwood's house. As she was driving, she received a call from Stefan, fretting about her safety. She did not reveal her location either and threw the man into a frenzy by telling him that she was with Elijah.

"Elijah and I need some time alone."

"Elijah is a noble man.He lives by a code of honour, I trust him." She said into the phone.

He stared at her derisively, his hand resting atop the window pane.

Was that supposed to impress him? The girl had killed him, his forgiveness wouldn't be earned that easily. It was an impossible task anyway, earning his forgiveness, he did not hand it out like bags of candy. It was limited only to family and that was something the Petrovas would never be, in any lifetime.

The girl had lost the right to negotiate the minute the dagger had come into the picture.

At this point, he was amused by her actions. He just wished for the conversation with her to end so that he could meet Avra again to apologize for his innocuous death.

He revealed to Elena information about his family, the Sun and Moon Curse that everyone so desperately wished to break, as they trailed in the Lockwood backyard after opting for a fresh change of clothes.

He told her that while the Sun and Moon curse was not real, it did not mean that her blood wouldn't be spilled over a pretty little rock, the moonstone. There was a curse, just far more sinister that he and Klaus, his brother, covered up centuries earlier.

Needless to say, she was elated at the news of the curse being fake but her joy soon subsided on hearing about the real curse.

She soon left to assist her friends with something, giving Elijah space to muse and reminisce silently.

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