Through the Decades

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"Hello, love."

They whispered simultaneously to each other as Avra swung open her door to reveal, in all his glory, Klaus Mikaelson standing at the entrance of her house with a smirk on his face.

He chuckled at the situation while Avra only smiled lightly.

Unfortunately, his expression switched suddenly, revealing one of anger. He grabbed her throat and pushed her against the wall, threatening her, "Who sent you?A witch must be involved,certainly. Know this, if this a cruel joke, I will murder you and everyone you have ever met."

"Don't make me kick you in the stomach,Nik." She rasped out, not afraid to suffer the wrath of the famed vampire. "You know I will, if you don't lower your hands from me at this very moment."

The unexpected response shocked Niklaus enough that he forgot about his rage momentarily. Either the witches had gotten far more craftier than he had anticipated, or it was Avra that was standing before him. For no one in the world other than her would dare to face his wrath, unfazed.

His attention was drawn to the emerald ring on her finger. If this wasn't her, the people responsible for this foolish prank would learn that he earned his reputation for cruelty,for having the audacity to deface her corpse so.

"The sun shines on us again, Niklaus." She whispered softly when he still looked unconvinced.

He was trying to coax himself that it was all a ruse so that he wouldn't have to hurt again.But grief is the price we pay for love, and he would suffer through that hell for a thousand eternities for another moment with her. And like all us mere mortals, Niklaus Mikaelson would have to accept love, even for its craftier ways.

"How?" He muttered, disbelief crossing his features, "Why?"

"Will anything I say convince you, anything be enough to convey my anguish, Mikaelson?"


"Then, I will spare us that frustration."She exhaled slowly.

"Now, that all is said and done for, will you help me terrorize the doppelganger?" He said, shifting from the undesirable topic to one of the main topics at hand.

"Of course, I will."

A smirk found its way to his face at that.


The wretched town of Mystic Falls had taken it upon themselves to organize a decade dance each week, to celebrate their "history." Niklaus had been impersonating Alaric Saltzman, history teacher by day and closeted vampire hunter by night. He had planned to make the troop aware of his presence at the dance while killing off a few of its members.

Avra arrived with her arms hooked with the public high school teacher at the festivity. She would certainly not lower herself to wear such outfits as those of the teens near her and had picked out an outfit that was actually appropriate for the decade.

Were someone to question her approach with the teacher, she would only cleanly respond that they had bonded during their near death experience. Luckily, it arouse the suspicion of no one.

She hadn't arrived at their planning sessions but had been briefed about the gist of it. She and Damon would arrive as chaperones, draw out anyone suspicious and the young witch extraordinaire, Bonnie would save Elena's life by killing anyone that put her in harm's way,which included the arrogant vampire, Damon.

"Save me a dance, will you, love?" Damon said in his usual, cocky tone to Avra. The sheer audacity of that man made Avra chuckle. She didn't respond and let him walk away towards the spiked punch.

Niklaus had ruffled quite a few feathers when he had compelled someone at Elena's school to creepily ask her out on a dance on his behalf. On hearing about it, She had laughed and asked him mockingly,

"My,my, Nik, Have you fallen for a doppelganger again? Oh, the scandal! Should I be jealous?" She said while dramatically placing a hand over her heart and fluttering her eyes.

Niklaus had played along, "Well, can you blame a guy? All the other fair maidens were busy with their evil plans of manipulating and infiltrating the gang, global domination and what not."

Right now, Niklaus was slightly leaning over to her and whispered, "Save me a dance, won't you, darling?" Very similar to what Damon had asked of her a few moments ago, but this time she didn't feel the urge to rip the speaker's heart out.

She had smirked lightly and whispered lightly, "Not so easily, Mikaelson." She turned around, looked at him and tip-toed closer, "If the day permits,then." Their noses almost touching, barely a few centimeters remained between them as they were fixed in a stare-off.

The moment was interrupted by Damon who called out, "It's a party people, spread out, and dance,"

They separated immediately to not arouse suspicion as Avra walked off to find herself a drink. She groaned slightly at the atrocious choice in liquor before her, if they wanted to get drunk, they should have at least done it properly.

She missed Elijah terribly and if the wistful look in Niklaus' eyes was any indication, he was busy reminiscing about the good ol' days of Chicago, 1920. Clearly, he missed him too for that was the time when Elijah had separated from him to lead their father astray. She hadn't told him about Elijah yet but she knew that he would be more than willing to rip out a few hearts himself, if she asked. He would get Elijah back, only if to dagger him himself.

Always and forever, right. They were stuck with each other through all the decades. Nonetheless, He did not take well to other people hurting his family.

She was brought out of her thinking when Damon arrived next to her. Immediately, he started treading on some dangerous lines. All in a few moments, he tried flirting with her and insulted Klaus. He made the biggest mistake when he tried wrapping his arm around her shoulder. She felt the urge to flip him and throw him against the ground in the middle of the room but restrained herself. Instead, she opted for a well-delivered threat.

"You seem to have forgotten what happened but a few days ago," She reminded casually and then turned serious, "Lay a hand on me again, and you will know the taste of your own heart."

Watching from the corner of the room, Niklaus' fist clenched and a look of murderous rage appeared on his face. He narrowed his eyes at the scene. On hearing her threat, he laughed quietly.

When he killed them all, he would make sure his death was extra painful, or Avra would take care of that herself.

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