Chapter Five - Where Are You Now?

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I guess at some point we had fallen asleep in the sofa. Underneath me I could feel Harry breathing softly. Something about this moment seemed almost unreal. I didn't dare move afraid that he'd wake up. Who knew that Harry snored... The door opened and I was shaken and woke Harry up. I looked down and Harry was looking right back up at me.

"I'm sorry, must've fallen asleep" I said and he laughed and pecked my lips. Tingles running down my spine, We didn't move and I decided that I wouldn't move for the entire day. "You think?!" Elin said... Wait Elin? I turned around and there was Elin and Sabina standing with arms crossed. Harry sat up still with me in his arms. "I guess you are the two best friends?" Harry said and scratched the back of his head. "I told you he wasn't that smart in real life" Elin spoke again and I started to giggle. "Harry, Elin and Sabina, Sabina, Elin, Harry" I introduced them and they nodded at them.

My friends aren't the sensitive, go slow kind of friends... they go all out. At once. It's honestly both good and bad. I knew that they wouldn't lie to me and are as up beat as I am. But in situations like this I wish they would think and be nice and NOT ask silly questions. Yet knowing them, they probably would.

"So, spill, why are you asleep more or less on top of each other?" Sabina asked and didn't release her eyes off of Harry. Even if she have had a crush on him for forever that seemed to have gone down the drill and now she was in big sister mode. "what do you think they were doing?" Elin said and wiggled her eyebrows. Harry just looked at me and I laughed. "We have decided to keep this thing a secret... so my book will have a chance on its own" I said, changing the topic, Elin and Sabina rose their eyebrows. "Emma honey, we love you but the media finds everything out wether you like it or not... is this really a good idea" Elin's voice was full off worry and I smiled at her. "Well we have to limit the people that knows, only see each other at home and when people ask I'll just say that I met him through events and are just friends" I said and then looked at Harry. He nodded and squeezed my hips. "Okay then" Sabina said and shrugged her shoulders.

The next hour was filled with small talk and my friends bambarding Harry with stupid questions. I was lost inside my own. Thoughts was coming from left and right. Yet I could lift my head up and hear funny answers from Harry. He seemed to blend better with them than I had expected. Of course they were not letting him of the hook though.

The clock was moving faster then I had expected and soon Harry left and I was left to my self finally not feeling bad for missing questions and leaving him alone with my friends.

@ Emma_Stromberg: Throughts are like stars you need the dark to see them clearly 

I sat down in my room and started to write casually. Nothing specific more like different scenarios that I liked or came to think of. Most of them was dramatic arguments or a heartfelt break up. I needed to slow this thing with Harry down. It didn't matter how much I was needing someone like him or how rare it was, he is who he is and I need to find myself before I can find a man.

My laptop lit up. Lucy had sent an Email and I opened it. In there was an article about my book. They weren't necessarily praysing it but it was enough to get me exited. And for my head to get occupied...

Mysterious young author it said. It was so weird to see my name and a big magazine writing about my up coming book. The magazines I had been with Harry didn't mention me apart from my face or how I was dressed. Here it was so focused on the words I had been fighting with for so long. It was like a huge stone lifting from my shoulders. Sudden clarity in my world. I needed this. Suddenly I saw life clearly. I sent the text away to Harry that I needed the week alone, that I needed time for the book. In which I got the text back that he was going to the U.S anyway.

The drafts started to form chapters again. This time going deeper into the up coming story. Of course this was a very raw base but it started to clear up. My main character was different then anything I had written before and I loved it. It took me high and above to explore this new found way of writing. Elin and Sabina came in a few times asking if I wanted anything to eat or leaving me some tea. I was grateful that they didn't disturb me when I was in this bubble. They just let me have my curse. Yet I couldn't wait to share this new book with them.

When I felt like I was somewhat finished I walked down stairs. There they sat in the sofa Elin switching channels and Sabina with her nose inside her phone. I sat down next to them slightly leaning on Elin's shoulder. In all the busyness of my book I had neglected my best part of life.

"I'm sorry I've been such a dick" I said out into the void and Elin switched of the tv in a heartbeat. "Yes you have been a dick" She answered not meeting my eyes. Sabina didn't react at all. "I want to blame it on the work but it's not fair, I have just not been there for you" I said and drew a breath. "From now on... I'm going to be better but work comes first" I answered and Elin breathed out heavily. "Well I guess we can live with that" She said and I hugged her tightly. "So what's up in the world of Sabina? You seem pretty attached to your phone" I said and nudged her. "Well her and Malin are finally looking for a place together, now with the great jobs and all they can finally afford it" Elin explained and I nodded. "That is if we get the place" Sabina said for the first time and looked up. I smiled at her.

"Is it still that place just two blocks from KoKo?" I asked, at least I remember some things. "I didn't knew you listened to that! and yes thats it, we laid an offer today and the landlord are suposed to call Malin at any time" She said.

There were things that I had promised myself to never do and this was one of them. I had been so caught up in my own mess that I hadn't thought or even picked up their problems. Mentally I hit myself and drew a breath.

They went on in filling me in with different fun news. Elin was dating this amazing girl named Natalia, half Russian half British. All the mew things made me more at bay again. I hadn't realized how much this had put me out of myself.

This wouldn't happen again.

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