Chapter Eleven - Everybody got a Story

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Everybody has stories. That's what I've learned through out my young years. Yet I didn't expect Harry's to be that much diffrent to what I've herd. I expected the hole 'My life changed when I was sixteen' this was of course very naive of me. I should've have teated him like everybody else I know but truth to be told I didn't expect a new story from him. 

But oh how wrong I was. 

Me and Harry were laying on the sofa as I read my book out loud. 

"How do you even come up with all this?" He asks breathlessly. I think for a minute and then tell him. "I don't really come up with it... it's more like a twisted reality" I explain. 

Thats the truth. All of my stories were a twisted and turned upside down reality and they all felt like they already existed in my mind before I put them down into words. 

"I'm curious if something could've been diffrent... so I change it in my head and suddenly everything else changes too" 

He nods. 

"You know everybody got a story" I said and than tilted my head  a bit to the side. This was the first time I realized I hadn't got told his story yet. 

"What's yours"

The words slipped out of my mouth quicker then I could take them back. I didn't want to push him to tell him something so personal. 

"Well... I guess... My parents divorced when I was quite young. I didn't understand much of it at the time" He mumbled. I could see his brain working out the story. He seemed almost surprised at my question and I got anxious that I had gone to far. 

"It wasn't one of the worst break ups I guess, But I've never had a good contact with my dad again and will probably never have a good relationship with him... As a kid you always hope that things will change on their own, the dad will become a real dad again... mine never did" The sorrow and sadness that was filled in Harrys voice broke my heart. 

"Gemma was old enough to understand it all and I think she wasn't as harmed by it as I was" He mumbles. "My dad would come over at the weakends brining toys and tell us that we could have even more if we lived with him aswell" He smiled brightly but just as the smile had apeared it disapeared. "First now I realalize it was to try win us over" 

I moved closer to him. 

"My dad has always been good at music and I think that's why I kept going with it all these years... you know to keep a reminder of him. When Robin stepped into the picture I was quite pissed off.. I wanted my dad to be my dad not Robin" He said and sighed.

"It took me a few years to cool off and actually be nice towards him" He said and smiled. "I couldn't thank him enough, He showed me his gentleman ways and I'm thanking him today for teaching me so many great things" He said and I smiled. His story was so real and touched my heart. It was nice to get to know this real version of him and not the publicly right one.

"I guess that's my story" He mumbled. "Must be some more?" I asked not sure if he was telling the truth or not. "Maybe I'll tell you another day" He said and srunk down in the sofa again. "Keep reading" He said and closed his eyes. 

That was the first day that he started to tell me his story. The real one. Not the one where he gets famous and his life is perfect. The one that showes his struggles. Because everyone struggle, me, you and them, we all struggle and often have this amazing story that never get's to see the light. 

Just like he knew little bit of my story I knew a little of his and it made me more comfortable with him. Knowing that he trusted me more. Starting to really getting stuck with him. Noah was dropping out of my mind. It was starting to get serious for me. To let him know about my stories, having him around day in day out. Not to mention the fact that he told me the real him. But I didn't forget that he was going away again. This time to Ireland for a few days. Only a few days and it made my chest hurt. I tried to convince myself that it was the honeymoon phase and that was why it was so hard. 

I was scared for him to go this time. Noah had really been on his game the last weeks and would take this moment to his advantage. There were nothing I could do. With him I felt like a slave. He just had to look at me and I would almost do anything for him. I felt like it was put of my hands. In a bad way. With Harry it was similar but with him I was in control and I knew he wouldn't do anything. Or would he?

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