Chapter Nine - You And I

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Number one rule when you're meeting your date after an week apart from him. Don't forget to pick him up from the airport. That thing I had messed up. Literally the only thing that I was suposed to do. I was rushing through the airport. He told me that I would have to ask one of the airport staff to let me through to the VIP section.

It wasn't as easy as he had described. The personal was not as friendly as they had been to him. Understandably as I'm not a world known superstar. I had to show both my passport and my ID and then call Steve from Harry's security team before they let me through. By then I was already half an hour late.

In my head I was convincing me that it wasn't a sign that it all was an fake. After all he had arranged so he could be there at the launch of my book. Yet this hole week had been a never ending events with Noah. It just never ended when I though I had finally put my fot down he would just stand there at the end of the day with something cute and adorable. Even though I knew it was wrong something was so compelling about Noah. He could be speaking about carrots and I'd be as interested as if he was speaking about outer space. I couldn't deny that he was there for me when Harry wasn't. This week had been a living hell and I had come home crying a couple of times and like if he known he was there with a movie, flowers or anything else that would cheer me up.

Still Harry had been so sweet to me even if he had been so far away. He would wake me up with an morning (or good night it depended on where he was) and then keep me updated in what was going on with him. It almost felt like I was there with him. One day I woke up to new flowers even. Harry went out of his way to make me feel special and I fell head over heals.

Talking about heals, mine were killing me. Probably not the smartest choice in the shoe department but I just wanted to gain those few inches for Harry. They hadn't gone through security yet though. I breathed out in relief. The other girls were there, I tried my best to not look to much. Both being very much inside their own little bubble. Though they gave me a few strange looks when I came running like a maniac. I was a special one...

The doors slid open and he stood there looking like a kid at a christmas morning. I dropped my purse and took off, in my heals I might add. He opened his arms like if we hadn't seen each other for months. His arms were around me fingers brushing the back of my neck and down my spine. It felt like my soul was sparking.

After a long and very deep kiss, the kind of kiss that makes you forget about time and place. Honestly when we came back to reality there was only us left. The other boys had left and the body guard was waiting by the exit.

"I've missed you" I said and looked into those deep green eyes. How I had missed his smile, his eyes and not to mention his embrace. I was getting to used to having him around. "You're wearing heals!" He burst out like if he hadn't even herd my confession. "Hey! Don't look to surprised, I gotta get used to them you know" I laughed and hugged him closer. It was truly different with heals. Getting some well needed hight. "And I missed you too, You know I bugged the boys so much they excluded me from their adventures" Harry said and then we started walking.

The guards got some signal and suddenly the hole room was in motion. It was something different to be out with him like this. In some way it was just so organized and though through. I had been very vary to come and collect him at the airport as we are still very much hiding from the media. In which he had laughed and assured me that nobody would know that I was there except his guards and the boys. Still it was this nagging feeling of someone watching. It didn't feel totally safe. Maybe it was the hole lying and keeping it away from everyone that mixed it up for me.

On the way to Harry's home he was telling me loosely about the things he had seen and the journey back to england. Anne, Harry's mother, had requested to meet me. It felt so strange to me and had told Harry to tell his mom that maybe after this hole book thing goes down. I was still trying to take it slow but it just didn't go as planned. But I was going to his house for the first time. I don't know why but for some reason we had alway been hanging out at my place. It just had fallen that way and I hadn't though to much about it until Malin had pointed it out.

The house was looking pretty modern from outside. Harry didn't seem to notice how concentrated I was and was talking along about different things. It almost felt like he hadn't talked for this hole week we had been apart. Even if I wasn't listening too closely I felt such high relief over having him next to me. It was like I could finally breath.

The key turned and he opened the door for me. He was a true gentleman in those ways. It wasn't what I had expected. One of the walls in the hallway was decorated with polaroids. Him and friends, one from a concert, eiffel tower and more. I was mesmerized by it. It told me about him and it was nice to get this personal with him. You walked directly into his living room. There was a sofa and two chairs and a small table and above the fireplace there was a tv. The house was so warm. It was such a beautiful warm home.

I hadn't expected anything like this. Especially with though about how the outside looked. The modern feeling was gone and it almost felt old inside. Harry was studying me closely and I smiled and hugged his side. He led me to the kitchen, this also being vintage, yet this was more modern with a nice oven and such.

We didn't speak much as we walked through the house. He showed me around the hole house. It wasn't that big and there weren't much to see. At last we came to his room. It was late now and I threw my bag on the floor. Feeling as if someone had dropped a bomb on me. We laid down in his bed and cuddled up into a little ball. It was so nice to have him so close. Feeling the heat from his chest closely to mine. His breathing tickling my cheek. It was euphoric for me.

Something hit me. There were nothing to do with music in his house. "Where have all of your music things gone?" I asked curiously. Music was such huge part of his life I didn't understand why it was non existing in his house. He laughed and kissed my cheek. "You always notice the small details" He mumbled and rolled his eyes.

He turned around and sat up against the headboard. I could see how he though about how to answer my question truthfully. "Well I think it's about how much of my time I place on it, I like to come home and just be without being reminded about finishing that track or how I'm suposed to puzzle my schedule because I have that award show next week" He explained and I nodded. It was a smart thing and I wondered how it could be that the thing you loved the most could also be the one thing that you just couldn't stand. "It's like if you would eat chocolate for a hole month, you wouldn't be able to stand it at the end, not even the smell" I asked. "Yes!" He said and turned over and laid on top of me.

"I like to concentrate on the things that are most important to me when I'm home, no distractions, no room mates, no interviews, no concerts, Just You And I" He said and sparks was engaging through out my hole body. I could feel his breath over my face. I closed my eyes and I felt how his lips slowly touched mine.

Darn it how I was falling for this lad.

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