Chapter Ten - I'll Be Right Here Waiting

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He got that james dean day dream look in his eyes. That was what I saw when I looked at Harry from across the room. I begged too some god, any god, that nobody would notice our long eye contacts. A reporter was loosely talking to me and I couldn't quite concentrate. When he was around there didn't seem to be much to keep him from me.

The last two days had been pure hell. How was I suposed to concentrate when there was a fully fulfilling man waiting for me when I got home. It was like everything other then being with him was boring. I couldn't help walking early from work every day or sneaking away at lunch and finding myself curled up in his lap. Elin had tried to snatch me away from him a couple of times. It hadn't worked that well. She would get bored of my constant talk about how good it was. Though she was very upset and worried about me. She didn't like how close I was with both of my boys. Yes Noah was still around. In all honesty she didn't care which of the boys I picked only that I picked one at last.

Because when I wasn't with Harry Noah was there to entertain me with whatever he had to offer. He was knee-deep down into his songwriting process and found it necessary that I herd everything that he had made. There were some pretty good ones and I knew that he would become huge one day. No doubt about it. He had insisted on coming tonight and I could feel the tension rise with in every minute passing.

Noah hadn't yet showed up but Harry, Niall and Louis had. They were happily mingling around with different people. Honestly I didn't know half of the people that were here. Other than Lucy, Harry and my closest friends there were only magazines and tv presenters. I was impressed with how well it all had turned out.

I walked around with the book under my arm and they all praised it. Which was such a surprise for me. Maybe it was my bad luck showing through. Or possibly because I had worked on it for so long. It just had to pan out great. Harry's face turned to mine again and he was like an satellite. The hole room blurred and he smiled. I glansed around on the reporter that seemed more interested in my bracelets. Harry rolled his eyes and I laughed. For some reason he just seamed to understand everything about me. Just this little thing. The reporter suddenly left escaping himself and something lit up inside Harry's eyes. He nudged Niall harshly who swore at his mate and then he was included in our little bubble. 

Suddenly Niall started walking towards me and I scrunched my eyebrows together. What did he have up his sleeve now? I sipped on the cider and kept my eyes locked with Harry who was smiling widely. This hole rule about not speaking this hole night wasn't such good idea. Yet very necessary. This room was like a shark tank. If any of the reporters would get one little bit feeling that something was going on we would be screwed for good. Surprisingly nobody had asked me about harry for the hole night. 

"Emma... congratulations to your book" Niall said as he arrived at my little corner. "Very nice to meet you too Niall" I said and laughed and brought my hand forward. He shook it firmly. It was very obvious that Harry had sent him over. Never the less it was the first time Niall met me. "Sorry, Niall Horan, It's just Harry don't seem to stop speaking about you" Niall then laughed loosely. Does Harry speak about me that much. "Probably shouldn't have said that out loud should I?" He said and I nodded. "I don't know, the reporters seems pretty bind anyways" I said and shrugged my shoulders. 

Niall's eyebrow rose and I glanced around and noticed that the reporters were sneaking glances at us. Couldn't I talk to anyone without people thinking there was something up with us? Truthfully I have had a mayor crush on Niall since forever but it all changed when I turned 19, one direction started to become more of a beautiful memory than a current band. Now he was just some guy from some band. 

"I'm sorry you had to get draged to the event, probably not your type of party" I apologized. It was true both of the band members Harry had brought looked like fish out of the water. The party was slow and many, many, authors and reporters. It was far from a rock and roll launch party. "No, it's not so bad, plus we didn't have much of a choice, it wasn't just up to Harry" He said and I could hear that he really put in a n effort in easing my worry. "You know you're invited back to my flat afterwards if you want to, it won't be a lot of people" I said and his eyes lit up. "Just me and a couple of friends, non reporter friends" I said and he laughed. "I believe you, I'll ask Louis, He is the one that know's where the party is at" Niall said, then smiled, turned away and walked back. 

The rest of the night draged on. I couldn't help but feel left out. It felt like I was loosing myself. This was suposed to be the most exiting night of my life. A night I had been waiting for a long, long time yet all I was thinking about was the man across the room with the james dean day dream. 

Not until the 'after party' at my flat I was back to me. My friends held amazing speeches and I made my thank you speech. The new and old friends surrounded me and filled my flat up to the brim. The music was bouncing of the walls. You wouldn't recognize my flat now. So full of life, so full of noise. In the room I was now dancing in was also the room it all had started. Louis and Niall had showed up and was having a go at my sound system. Changing the song every few seconds bickering on about which song was better. 

Harry and I had our little corner. Where nobody would disturb us. It felt nice to be so open with the people around us. Nobody in the room would say anything. It was just close friends. Me and Harry could hug, hold hands, dance and kiss infront of people. Have a normal relationship for once. Yet something was breaking my heart and it didn't feel... 100%

"Crazy dance with me" He said with that spark in his eyes. Act My Age came on and hell went out. Even through how cringey it was for him we crazy danced. The hole room went crazy. I could see all of my friends having the time of their life. I could hear hysterical laughter from left and right. It was this bubbly feeling spreading through the hole room. When the refrain came on I thought the walls was going to collapse and roof blow up. Let me just tell you that there were nothing beautiful with the wailing sounds that came out of our mouths.

We were a gang of maybe 15-18 people in our twenties that had the time of our lives. Forever I would cherish this moment of pure bliss. We would never forget that moment when we realized that we would never grow up, never act our age or never give in to the impuls we had. It was like slowmotion, I saw how Elin was wallsing happily drunk with Natalia not to mention Louis and Malin having a dance off and Niall and Sabina trying to catch on. But then he came into focus. Like if someone had hit me over the head.

"All that is me is yours, take me, I will always feel this way around you" He whispered into my ear and I shivered. I drew him into a deep kiss. The kind of kiss that could possibly put me out. It was like we were melting together into one little blob. The Emma and Harry blob.

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