Chapter Four - This Is New

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Going to bed was hard. Especially when my insperation rate was out of control! I walked up stairs to where my room was and walked straight in. Well in there I slowly took all of the things off. The fancy dress, shoes and jewlary. The most nicest things was washing my face.

When I was perfectly prepared in my pyamas I sat down behind my laptop and started writing. The insperation flodded through my fingers and down to my blank page. The new story started to take form.

I didn't notice I had been up so late until the sun was rising. I swore laudly and looked over to the clock who was showing me 5:06 in red numbers. Tiredness hadn't even shown itself. I wasn't tired. Honestly I wanted to just keep writing. But I knew, Today was going to be an very special and eventful day so I gathered up my last line and saved it onto my USB and shut my laptop off.

So when I was lying there in bed I couldn't sleep. Harry's lips pressed against mine was still hounting me. Every time my eyes closed I either saw his eyes or his lips or I herd his laugh.. It was endless. So in a way I guess you can say that I feel asleep to him.


My clock rang way to early. I'd have to blaim myself for that one though. When I came down the stairs the girls was already prepped and I was an half hour late. The girls were sitting in my kitchen all with a different magazine upp their noses. In the middle of the table were a huge buquete with roses in a vase.

"Hey You're not going to work wihtout breakfast! I made this, and don't forget to tell Harry thanks for the roses" Elin said stopping me before I ran out the door. "What would I be without you, I'll call you if I get time! Love you!" I shouted into the apartment and ran outside where the taxi was waiting.

I had about 101 missed calls from Lucy. Shit. probably missing some important meeting. Crap. She's going to kill me and the possibly drop me. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

As I arrived at out headquorters there were different news teams there. I just assumed there were going to be interviews which made me more nervous. What if I was to late for one of those. More Stupid. As I walked into our space Lucy sat behind her desk looking at me angirly.

"You could at least had mentioned that you were going on a date with one of the most famous people on this earth" Lucy growled as I stepped my fot inside her office. "What?" I asked suddenly cought out of guard. "YEs! My phone have been ringing since two this morning! The picture of you and Harry are everywhere, sure this is GREAT publisity you could at least have told me!" Lucy said and hugged me. "I, everywhere? Oh no" I said and looked at her desk. There laid about ten different british and american magazines wich seemed to have spreads everywhere.

I walked up to them and they all decribed me as nobody and they all were sure to mention my up coming book. There I sat in my bubble as Lucy were carfully setting upp different things. This was until I realized Harry. All the magazines had pictured me as a golddigger.

"Can I just make a call? I'll be with you right after that" I said and stepped outside on the balconny. I quickly dialed the number. Please let him not believe in this crap. "I'm so sorry for this bullshit" Harry started the conversation with. "Harry.. I was just going to call to say thanks for the flowers" I whispered. Not being able to say anything as releif washed over me. "Oh..." Harry whispered on the other end. "They where beautiful but I barley got to see them" I said and giggled. "I sat up all night writing, literally, but I do love them and you wouldn't have to" I said and smiled. The other line was dead quiet. Maybe he hung up? Crap.

"The flowers" Harry whispered. "You're talking about the flowers?" He laughed loudly.

"You are just about to drop your first book and I gave you loads of bad media and you, you are talking about the flowers, am I correct?" He asked and I laughed.

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