Chapter Seven - Lorra Smith

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Lucy came into my office with a look in her eyes that scared me. I knew it was serious. Silently I just hoped it wouldn't be to big. Lucy just held up an magazine. Lorra... I knew that she would come after me but this was my work but she wouldn't be able to take this from me. I sat down in my chair just looking at the magazine.

She was claiming that I hadn't just have an ghost writer but also that I stole the idea from her. After I more or less deleted her from my friend circle she had said that she would come after me. Lorra isn't even something special, very negative, she loves everything that has to do with higher class and fame. I couldn't deal with that anymore, she at one point took one of my boyfriends. When I started to finish the book as well being around people with higher status she was like an hair-colour you can't get rid off.

"I don't understand... we were such good friends and suddenly she just cut me off and stole my idea, It's very mean and I just couldn't stand around and just watch as she took my idea and got loved by everyone, I felt like everybody needed to know the truth" She looked deeply into the camera and smirked. Smirked. I was fuming and hoped for the gods that she had good lawyers.

Lucy was shouting into her phone yet I wasn't calm. She could destroy everything that I had fought so hard for. I took to twitter.

@ Emma_Stromberg: Some people don't know when to stop pushing people over, All you're ever going to be is M E A N

"Did you just quote Taylor swift?" Lucy asked and I nodded. "I'll kill her, Lucy you don't understand all she wants is fame, the attention she is getting is literally just placing fuel on the fire for her" I said while I was phasing back and forth. Lucy didn't seem to know just what she was suposed to say and I couldn't quite know what we were supposed to know. Which didn't really calm me down. My brain was working over drive in ways to clear this shit up.

"Could you reschedule the interview to tomorrow morning? I could adress both the thing with Harry as well as Lorra" I said thinking and feeling like I was going out of my mind. "I guess, the Harry thing?" Lucy asked and I nodded suddenly realized that I hadn't answered her question. "Harry and I won't be anything" I said and I felt bad for lying to her. I didn't like that, if I could I would speak the truth at all time. That's probably why I felt so angry about Lorra lying to everybody.

How could someone hurt someone and lie about someone just for own gain. The worst part that this was her intention. She wanted this to burn and scar me. I knew that she had been delusional but this just took the prize.

Lucy prepared me as far as it would go with clothes and what not to say. Fast class in public appearances and making advertisement. Somewhere in all this I had braised myself yeas ago as I felt like I knew that this was going to happen. People would do anything to tear me down. I was almost happy that it had been Lorra and not some random girl. Lorna was something that I knew and I knew what she was after and I would be able to go after her.

It was weird though to know that it was me against mostly all of the rest of england who though I was not only a slut for going on one date with Harry styles but also a thief. I had started out my carrier perfectly.

There was something important to know about Lorra, she was an coward. She would never take this fight face to face nor talk in court. Yet this time she seemed to want to push it even further.

My twitter was filling up with different opinions, not even only from fans but clevertv and so on. The internet was filled with different interviews and claims on different 'reliable' sources. It hurt my heart to know that it was this easy to ruin something for someone and lie about it. That the hole nation swallowed this holey without thinking twice. Of course I would learn from this but still sucked.

Times like this I just wanted to go home and hide under my covers. Just sit in my old bedroom and just listen to my cat purr. This was not the small innocent city I had grown up in. This city was full on with so many opinions.

Like if Harry would've known what had happened, he probably had, he called. In the beat of an heart I answered and closed the office door so I could speak in peace with him. Just hearing him say Hello Love in the other line made my breathing slow down.

"I'm not going to ask about the rumors, I just know when I have shit thrown at me I like to have a nice night with popcorn and dominos, I don't know I just.. Crap I screwed it up" Harry was slightly stammering in the other line. We hadn't seen each other in a week and it felt refreshing to hear that he was still very much interesting. "Actually-" Harry cut me off. "Oh I totally get it, don't sweat it, I get it-" He stopped apologizing when I laughed. "I was just going to say that only if you would be fine with the girls coming" I said and felt the butterfly doing hoops in my stomach. "They'll be cool though, I hope"

That's when it hit me and I wanted to take it back. Holly crap. Elin, Sabina and Malin in my, well mine and Elin's now, living room... That could only end in chaos. All I saw was popcorn flying everywhere and me trying to convince Elin to keep her shirt on.

"That's absolutely fine, Eh, I just wanted to say that I've missed you, It's going to be so nice to see you again Emma, I'll be over at 5pm" He said and my heart speed up. I had missed him but the lump in my stomach over Noah grew bigger. I didn't know if I should tel him ro just don't. "I missed you too, crap there's Lucy! see you, bye- Mum stop that I'm fine" I laughed awkwardly and just herd Harry's hysterical laughter before I hung up. Lucy looked at me weirdly and I could just imagine what it all had looked like.

We finished two chapters of the new book and talk a little, feed back and so on. There were some talks about turning the book into a movie one day and what would happen after Paris would launch. There was this new book and then maybe producing and making movies. Before I knew it the clock was four pm and I was on the tube home. I felt stressed, Not only because the Lorra thing but also the future, Harry and Noah.

Yet when I walked into my apartment it all finally vanished and was met by Elin two centermeters from my face. "Look at my face!! Malin did it!" She said proudly and posed a few times as I dropped of my coat and shoes. As I came deeper into my apartment I found Malin and Sabina on my sofa switching through Netflix. Not agreeing on which film to watch.

Quickly I ran up stairs changing my tight jeans to a pair of yoga pants and an lose t shirt. Best combination if you ask me. I hadn't realized that I had been gone so long because when I cam down stairs they was poping popcorn and debating whether or not add butter. And finally that's when the gatebell rang. I jumped over to the monitor and let Harry in, knowing not only that he would be in reaching distant but also that he was bringing food.

I stood infront of the door like a puppy waiting for it's owner to come home and I herd Sabina and Malin loosely making fun of me in the distance. That's when the doors finally opened.

In the last moment Elin jumped in-between and grabbed the pizza boxes while screaming 'SPARE THE PIZZA' in which we both laughed. I waited patiently for him to take his coat and shoes of. Then I could finally kiss him. We were in the hall way which is like it's own little room in my apartment so we got to be alone. It was nice to feel his hair against my fingertips and I seemed to have forgotten how soft his lips was.

In this chaos I felt calm.

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