Chapter One - Now Or Never

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I was so nervous I was shaking. She read it slowly. I watched carfully as she turned the page. 

We sat there the hole day. She being my publisher. I had insisted to wait till she finished. My friends had flown in from Sweden. That's where I grew up which basically means that My original languish isn't English. Another problem as my publisher always had said. 

Anyway! My best friend. Elin. Wanted to move with me to London. Both because we had planned to since we were like what ten? But also for me not to be alone. But I needed to do it alone. Mostly because I needed a quiet house to write in and didn't want her to get hurt if I got frustrated over the book. 

She and my other friend Sabina had flown in. I had promised that if the book got publicized this time I would allow them to move into the apartment with me. 

God knows what they are up to while I'm sitting here. They're probably two of the most idiotic people I know. I wouldn't change them into anyone else either way. Sabina had lived in London, Well outside Of London, Before so she know the town pretty well. 

They had texted me a few times telling me about the silly things they were up to. For an example finding a proper tea place where there were no tourists. 

Suddenly my publisher slurps her coffee loudly and I look up just to be met by her eyes returning to the book. 

I look down on my watch. Soon the clock would hit 5. She didn't have much left now. Just like fifteen pages. My knee started to jump. My nails were already gone. I stood up and walked towards the chasier again. This would be my tenth tea cup today. 

I walked quickly not wanting to miss her finishing it. Turns out there were quite the quee. I let out a sigh and looked down on my watch once again. 

"You in a rush?" Someone said in front of me. I looked up and nodded. "Eh yeah" I mumbled. I was so nervous I was shaking by now. "You can step before me" He said kindly and let me pas him. There were still about ten people in front of me.

"What are you in a such a rush for, if you don't mind me asking" The guy said and I turned to him. This time looking at him. Just for my breath to be cought in my throat. This could not be happening. Not today. Please. 

"Wait let me guess!" He burst out and I let out a breath. "Okay" I said shakily.

Now not because I was nervous. More because one of my biggest inspirations stood in front of me. I would never admit it if you asked me. I would say that some brilliant author was. but truly musicians were. Their music and behaviour was my biggest inspirations for my main character Noah. 

"Are you by any chance on your way to a... dance addition?" He asked and I let out a laugh and shook my head. "No... Addition yeah kind of but not dance" I said and he tapped his chin. "Addition you say? hm..." He mumbles. He Takes the mission with great dedication. This leaves me just to study him.

He's so casually dressed that you couldn't for your life understand that he's one of the most famous people on this earth. The bandana wrapped around his head seem to be there to keep his messy curls in place. 

"Singing? NO! Record label addition thing?!" He burst out. quickly I return my eyes to hiss eyes. "You look a bit like an musician!" He said proud of himself. I laugh loudly and shakes my head. "No I can't sing for crap really" I said now more confident. "Really? oh come on! Are you and artist?" He asks and I bite my lip. "AHA! You are aren't you?!" he shouts in triumph. "I am but that's not why I'm in a rush" I said and his smile falls. 

"I'm here because My publisher is reading my first book... I really want it publicist and if she doesn't like it I'll basically has to start over" I give in and tell him.

"So you're an artist and an Author? Way to get me to feel like crap" He said and I laugh. "I mean I'm just a singer" He said and I smile and pat him on the back. "Well You are at least successful... I'm struggling" I said and he shakes his head. "There are pros and cons with everything love" He said and then smiles. 

"I'm Harry by the way" He said and sticks his hand out to me. I take it and shakes it happily. "Emma" I said and he smiles wider.  

Before I get the chance to say anything else I'm at the end of the que. or first in line. 

I quickly order the same tea I've had all day and stand to wait for it by the end of the table. 

Harry walks over and stands next to me. I'm shorter then him. Shorter then I would prefer. On the other side I'm always shorter then people. It's not like I'm a minion but I'm always a couple of centimeters shorter then people. 

"I... Ehm... I'd like to have your number" He said not looking at me. "We can go out have a drink or we can I don't know... Watch a movie... I'm not good at things like this" he said nervously.

My mouth hangs open. I close it quickly and looks down. "That.. Woah... Ehm... Yeah" I said struggling with getting the proper words out. 

Harry lights up like a Christmas tree and relaxes a hole bunch. I grab one of my cards in my purse and give it to him. "Emma.... Stree... Straa... Stroembuurrrggg" He read out loud and smiles. "Beautiful" He said and I burst out laughing. 

I shake my head. "Nah but it does for now" I laugh and he shakes his head. "It's perfect don't deny it" He said with a toothy smile. 

"Wait what are you even doing in town?" I ask when I realize that Harry often were of on tour and I, embarrassing enough, kept track of the 1D boys and didn't expect them to be in town. 

"We finished of some things in LA quite quickly so I flew home last night" He said and looked tired. "The hole being in one part of the world one day and another the other day isn't nice is it?" I said and chuckle. "You have no idea" He sighed.

"I actually do... I needed some inspiration so my publisher" I pointed at her. "Flew me from, London to Tokyo to Sidney to La just to go back to London two days later" I sighed heavily. "It was horrible! Can't imagine doing it all the time" I said and patted his back. 

He looked a bit chocked but smiled. 

"I guess it's pretty rough at times but I shouldn't complain... Could be worse" He said and winked. 

My tea arrived and I frowned. I tired to hide it quickly before he would be able to see. Even if he did he was frowning just as much. He held up my card.

"I'll keep it safe... I'll call you at... seven?" He asked and I nodded. Seven suddenly feeling so far away. 

I'm getting soppy. Damn It. 

"Well talk to you later" I said and gave him a quick smile. 

"Oh no you don't" He snaps and takes my arm just to hug me tightly. "Good luck" And that's when I realize I have been standing talking to harry for about half an hour. 

I run with my tea and when I arrive at the table she's still reading. I glance at the pages and. 

One Page left. 

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