Above-Ground Combat (Clans)

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| The Sky-Crusher |

Landing with all four feet on top of an opponent, flattening him like a leaf.

| The Flick-Over |

Landing with front paws outstretched to sweep the opponent off his feet and roll him onto his back.

| The Kick |

Kicking down hard as the warrior nears the ground, then using momentum from landing to spring away before the opponent can retaliate.

| The Slice |

Dropping down with claws unsheathed for maximum injury.

| The Branch Swing |

Holding on to the branch with front claws and swinging hind legs into the opponent's face.

| The Reverse Branch Swing |

Holding on to the branch with back claws and striking with front legs through the swing.

| The Trunk Swing |

Sliding down the trunk and springing off at head height, using hind legs to push off and clear opponents. (Good if tree is surrounded.)

| The Reverse Climb |

Climbing backward up the trunk as the opponent advances to gain advantage of height; often followed by Trunk Swing.

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