
282 1 6

1st Person

"I think I want to go to UA" I spoke.

My friends looked at me in disbelief then yelled out series's of, "SERIOUSLY?!"

I sheepishly nodded.

"Wouldn't your glasses get knocked off, you would basically turn into Velma" Jae joked

"I'm not disabled," I grumbled, "I just cant see very far away"

"No no, Jae does make a point" Ema adds.

I stare at Ema in disbelief, "I thought at least you would defend me"

"I do believe you can do it, you're big and strong, and have a fighting spirit!" Ema then cheers.

Anji then spoke up, "I think you'd die in the entrance exams"

Everyone then threw baby carrots at him.


The loud blaring of an alarm woke me up. My eyes opened as I took a glance to the devil box that was making unholy sounds, at an unholy hour. My hand instinctively moved to stop the noise, and after successfully shutting the alarm off, I stared at my ceiling.

"fuuuuuuck" I mumbled to myself.

I tumbled out of bed and placed my glasses on my face, allowing me the amazing sense of sight. Sluggishly, I made my way to the bathroom to get ready.

Today's important, it would dictate my entire future: The UA entrance exams. For months I've been preparing my body and quirk, so I could have a chance to get into this school; and today will make or break that dream.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bagel, then I swung open the front door after putting my shoes on. And thus I began my journey to the prestigious school.


Once I got to the large building, my nerves skyrocketed, I am normally a chill and unfazed dude, but god DAYMN! I shuffled my way through the crowd of wannabes, and went to where the written test would be held.

Yes I said wannabes, and that's not just my ego talking. Only a small percentage of kids actually get accepted into this school, and obviously, i'll be one of them... I hope.

My quirk Erasure, yes just like the underground hero Eraser Head. He's actually my uncle, though unlike him I have to physically touch my opponent to erase their quirk and it only lasts for about 5 minutes.

And since my quirk is not going to get me far in certain types of battles, I have trained to have excellent skills in close ranged combat.


The official in the room announced we could begin the written test. And Balls, this is difficult. The math portion was easy, the english and history not so much. WHY DO I NEED TO KNOW THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, IT'S NOT LIKE I'LL EVER INTENTIONALLY GO THERE!!!

After an hour or two, I finally finished and I was permitted to leave. So I waddled over to the auditorium, where I waited with a shit-ton of other kids. I decided to take a quick power nap in the seat, while I'd wait for the rest of the people to file in.

Eventually a man, (who I deducted was Present Mic), started to explain the practical, I wanted to wake up, I really did, but sleep was more important. Though my bliss was short lived when some guy start yelling about UA sucking because of a typo, some annoying kid mumbling, and me snoring so Mic says- WAIT.

Erebus (Bakugou x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now